Zhi Zhang Department of Computer and Information Sciences Kansas State University zhangzhi@ksu.edu
Require Export environment.
Require Export rt.
Require Export ast_rt.
Require Export eval_rt.
Require Export rt_opt_ZArith.
Inductive bound_of_type: symTabRT -> type -> bound -> Prop :=
| Bound_Of_Boolean: forall st,
bound_of_type st Boolean Boolval
| Bound_Of_Integer: forall st,
bound_of_type st Integer int32_bound
| Bound_Of_Subtype: forall st t l u,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
bound_of_type st t (Interval l u)
| Bound_Of_Composite_Type: forall t t1 st,
t = Array_Type t1 \/ t = Record_Type t1 ->
bound_of_type st t Aggregate.
t: type id of the array type; (l, u) is the domain of the array component type
Inductive bound_of_array_component_type : symTabRT -> typenum -> bound -> Prop :=
| Array_Component_Value : forall t st n tn indexSubtypeMark componentType boundValue,
fetch_type_rt t st = Some (ArrayTypeDeclRT n tn indexSubtypeMark componentType) ->
bound_of_type st componentType boundValue ->
bound_of_array_component_type st t boundValue.
Function record_field_type (r: list (idnum * type)) (f: idnum): option type :=
match r with
| (f1, t1) :: r1 =>
if beq_nat f1 f then
Some t1
record_field_type r1 f
| nil => None
| Array_Component_Value : forall t st n tn indexSubtypeMark componentType boundValue,
fetch_type_rt t st = Some (ArrayTypeDeclRT n tn indexSubtypeMark componentType) ->
bound_of_type st componentType boundValue ->
bound_of_array_component_type st t boundValue.
Function record_field_type (r: list (idnum * type)) (f: idnum): option type :=
match r with
| (f1, t1) :: r1 =>
if beq_nat f1 f then
Some t1
record_field_type r1 f
| nil => None
t: type id of the record type; f: field id; ft: field type id
Inductive bound_of_record_field_type : symTabRT -> typenum -> idnum -> bound -> Prop :=
| Record_Field_Value : forall t st n tn fields f ft boundValue,
fetch_type_rt t st = Some (RecordTypeDeclRT n tn fields) ->
record_field_type fields f = Some ft ->
bound_of_type st ft boundValue ->
bound_of_record_field_type st t f boundValue.
| Record_Field_Value : forall t st n tn fields f ft boundValue,
fetch_type_rt t st = Some (RecordTypeDeclRT n tn fields) ->
record_field_type fields f = Some ft ->
bound_of_type st ft boundValue ->
bound_of_record_field_type st t f boundValue.
during run-time check optimization, a check flag "ck" will be removed from a set of check
flags "(ck' :: cks)" once the check is unnecessary;
Function remove_check_flag (ck: check_flag) (cks: check_flags): check_flags :=
match cks with
| (x :: cks') =>
let y := remove_check_flag ck cks' in
if beq_check_flag ck x then
x :: y
| nil => nil
match cks with
| (x :: cks') =>
let y := remove_check_flag ck cks' in
if beq_check_flag ck x then
x :: y
| nil => nil
check whether a bound is sub-bound of another one
Inductive sub_bound: bound -> bound -> bool -> Prop :=
| SB_True: forall u u' v' v,
in_bound u (Interval u' v') true ->
in_bound v (Interval u' v') true ->
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') true
| SB_False: forall u u' v' v,
in_bound u (Interval u' v') false \/ in_bound v (Interval u' v') false ->
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') false.
| SB_True: forall u u' v' v,
in_bound u (Interval u' v') true ->
in_bound v (Interval u' v') true ->
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') true
| SB_False: forall u u' v' v,
in_bound u (Interval u' v') false \/ in_bound v (Interval u' v') false ->
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') false.
Run-Time Checks Optimization Rule
Inductive optimize_overflow_check: bound -> check_flags -> (bound * check_flags) -> Prop :=
| OOC_True: forall u v cks' cks,
sub_bound (Interval u v) int32_bound true ->
cks' = remove_check_flag OverflowCheck cks ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval u v) cks ((Interval u v), cks')
| OOC_False: forall u v cks,
sub_bound (Interval u v) int32_bound false ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval u v) cks (Interval (Z.max min_signed u) (Z.min max_signed v), cks).
| OOC_True: forall u v cks' cks,
sub_bound (Interval u v) int32_bound true ->
cks' = remove_check_flag OverflowCheck cks ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval u v) cks ((Interval u v), cks')
| OOC_False: forall u v cks,
sub_bound (Interval u v) int32_bound false ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval u v) cks (Interval (Z.max min_signed u) (Z.min max_signed v), cks).
Inductive optimize_range_check: expRT -> bound -> bound -> expRT -> Prop :=
| ORC_True: forall u v u' v' cks e e',
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') true ->
cks = remove_check_flag RangeCheck (exp_exterior_checks e) ->
e' = update_exterior_checks_exp e cks ->
optimize_range_check e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e'
| ORC_False: forall u v u' v' e,
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') false ->
optimize_range_check e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e.
| ORC_True: forall u v u' v' cks e e',
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') true ->
cks = remove_check_flag RangeCheck (exp_exterior_checks e) ->
e' = update_exterior_checks_exp e cks ->
optimize_range_check e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e'
| ORC_False: forall u v u' v' e,
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') false ->
optimize_range_check e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e.
Inductive optimize_range_check_on_copy_out: expRT -> bound -> bound -> expRT -> Prop :=
| ORCOCO_True: forall u v u' v' cks e e',
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') true ->
cks = remove_check_flag RangeCheckOnReturn (exp_exterior_checks e) ->
e' = update_exterior_checks_exp e cks ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e'
| ORCOCO_False: forall u v u' v' e,
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') false ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e.
| ORCOCO_True: forall u v u' v' cks e e',
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') true ->
cks = remove_check_flag RangeCheckOnReturn (exp_exterior_checks e) ->
e' = update_exterior_checks_exp e cks ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e'
| ORCOCO_False: forall u v u' v' e,
sub_bound (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') false ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e.
Inductive optimize_rtc_binop: binary_operator -> bound -> bound -> check_flags -> (bound * check_flags) -> Prop :=
| O_RTC_Plus: forall u u' x v v' y cks retBound cks',
Math.add (Int u) (Int u') = Some (Int x) ->
Math.add (Int v) (Int v') = Some (Int y) ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval x y) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Plus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Minus: forall u v' x v u' y cks retBound cks',
Math.sub (Int u) (Int v') = Some (Int x) ->
Math.sub (Int v) (Int u') = Some (Int y) ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval x y) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Minus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Multiply: forall u v u' v' cks retBound cks',
optimize_overflow_check (Interval (multiply_min_f u v u' v') (multiply_max_f u v u' v')) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Multiply (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Divide_OverflowRTC: forall u' v' u v cks div_min div_max retBound cks',
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') true ->
(div_min, div_max) = divide_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval div_min div_max) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Divide (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Divide_DivisionRTC: forall u' v' u v cks cks' div_min div_max retBound cks'',
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') false ->
cks' = remove_check_flag DivCheck cks ->
(div_min, div_max) = divide_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval div_min div_max) cks' (retBound, cks'') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Divide (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks'')
| O_RTC_Modulus: forall u' v' u v cks mod_min mod_max,
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') true ->
(mod_min, mod_max) = modulus_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_rtc_binop Modulus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (Interval mod_min mod_max, cks)
| O_RTC_Modulus_DivisionRTC: forall u' v' u v cks' cks mod_min mod_max,
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') false ->
cks' = remove_check_flag DivCheck cks ->
(mod_min, mod_max) = modulus_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_rtc_binop Modulus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (Interval mod_min mod_max, cks')
| O_RTC_Logic_Binop: forall op cks x y,
op <> Plus /\ op <> Minus /\ op <> Multiply /\ op <> Divide /\ op <> Modulus ->
optimize_rtc_binop op x y cks (Boolval, cks).
| O_RTC_Plus: forall u u' x v v' y cks retBound cks',
Math.add (Int u) (Int u') = Some (Int x) ->
Math.add (Int v) (Int v') = Some (Int y) ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval x y) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Plus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Minus: forall u v' x v u' y cks retBound cks',
Math.sub (Int u) (Int v') = Some (Int x) ->
Math.sub (Int v) (Int u') = Some (Int y) ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval x y) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Minus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Multiply: forall u v u' v' cks retBound cks',
optimize_overflow_check (Interval (multiply_min_f u v u' v') (multiply_max_f u v u' v')) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Multiply (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Divide_OverflowRTC: forall u' v' u v cks div_min div_max retBound cks',
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') true ->
(div_min, div_max) = divide_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval div_min div_max) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Divide (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Divide_DivisionRTC: forall u' v' u v cks cks' div_min div_max retBound cks'',
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') false ->
cks' = remove_check_flag DivCheck cks ->
(div_min, div_max) = divide_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval div_min div_max) cks' (retBound, cks'') ->
optimize_rtc_binop Divide (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (retBound, cks'')
| O_RTC_Modulus: forall u' v' u v cks mod_min mod_max,
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') true ->
(mod_min, mod_max) = modulus_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_rtc_binop Modulus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (Interval mod_min mod_max, cks)
| O_RTC_Modulus_DivisionRTC: forall u' v' u v cks' cks mod_min mod_max,
in_bound 0 (Interval u' v') false ->
cks' = remove_check_flag DivCheck cks ->
(mod_min, mod_max) = modulus_min_max_f u v u' v' ->
optimize_rtc_binop Modulus (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') cks (Interval mod_min mod_max, cks')
| O_RTC_Logic_Binop: forall op cks x y,
op <> Plus /\ op <> Minus /\ op <> Multiply /\ op <> Divide /\ op <> Modulus ->
optimize_rtc_binop op x y cks (Boolval, cks).
Inductive optimize_rtc_unop: unary_operator -> bound -> check_flags -> (bound * check_flags) -> Prop :=
| O_RTC_Unary_Minus: forall v x u y cks retBound cks',
Math.unary_minus (Int v) = Some (Int x) ->
Math.unary_minus (Int u) = Some (Int y) ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval x y) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_unop Unary_Minus (Interval u v) cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Unop_Others: forall cks,
optimize_rtc_unop Not Boolval cks (Boolval, cks).
| O_RTC_Unary_Minus: forall v x u y cks retBound cks',
Math.unary_minus (Int v) = Some (Int x) ->
Math.unary_minus (Int u) = Some (Int y) ->
optimize_overflow_check (Interval x y) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_unop Unary_Minus (Interval u v) cks (retBound, cks')
| O_RTC_Unop_Others: forall cks,
optimize_rtc_unop Not Boolval cks (Boolval, cks).
Run-Time Checks Optimization
Checks Optimization for Literal
Inductive optLiteral: literal -> check_flags -> (bound * check_flags) -> Prop :=
| O_Literal_Bool: forall cks v,
optLiteral (Boolean_Literal v) cks (Boolval, cks)
| O_Literal_Int: forall v cks retBound cks',
optimize_overflow_check (Interval v v) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optLiteral (Integer_Literal v) cks (retBound, cks').
| O_Literal_Bool: forall cks v,
optLiteral (Boolean_Literal v) cks (Boolval, cks)
| O_Literal_Int: forall v cks retBound cks',
optimize_overflow_check (Interval v v) cks (retBound, cks') ->
optLiteral (Integer_Literal v) cks (retBound, cks').
Checks Optimization for Expression
Inductive optExp: symTabRT -> expRT -> (expRT * bound) -> Prop :=
| O_Literal: forall l in_cks lBound in_cks' st n ex_cks,
optLiteral l in_cks (lBound, in_cks') ->
optExp st (LiteralRT n l in_cks ex_cks) ((LiteralRT n l in_cks' ex_cks), lBound)
| O_Name: forall st n n' nBound n0,
optName st n (n', nBound) ->
optExp st (NameRT n0 n) ((NameRT n0 n'), nBound)
| O_BinOp: forall st e1 e1' e1Bound e2 e2' e2Bound in_cks retBound in_cks' n op ex_cks,
optExp st e1 (e1', e1Bound) ->
optExp st e2 (e2', e2Bound) ->
optimize_rtc_binop op e1Bound e2Bound in_cks (retBound, in_cks') ->
optExp st (BinOpRT n op e1 e2 in_cks ex_cks)
((BinOpRT n op e1' e2' in_cks' ex_cks), retBound)
| O_UnOp: forall st e e' eBound op in_cks retBound in_cks' n ex_cks,
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optimize_rtc_unop op eBound in_cks (retBound, in_cks') ->
optExp st (UnOpRT n op e in_cks ex_cks)
((UnOpRT n op e' in_cks' ex_cks), retBound)
with optName: symTabRT -> nameRT -> (nameRT * bound) -> Prop :=
| O_Identifier: forall n st t xBound x ex_cks,
fetch_exp_type_rt n st = Some t ->
bound_of_type st t xBound ->
optName st (IdentifierRT n x ex_cks) ((IdentifierRT n x ex_cks), xBound)
| O_IndexedComponent: forall st x x' xBound e e' u v t u' v' e'' componentBound n ex_cks,
optName st x (x', xBound) ->
optExp st e (e', Interval u v) ->
fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some (Array_Type t) ->
extract_array_index_range_rt st t (RangeRT u' v') ->
optimize_range_check e' (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') e'' ->
bound_of_array_component_type st t componentBound ->
optName st (IndexedComponentRT n x e ex_cks)
((IndexedComponentRT n x' e'' ex_cks), componentBound)
| O_SelectedComponent: forall st x x' xBound t f fieldBound n ex_cks,
optName st x (x', xBound) ->
fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some (Record_Type t) ->
bound_of_record_field_type st t f fieldBound ->
optName st (SelectedComponentRT n x f ex_cks)
((SelectedComponentRT n x' f ex_cks), fieldBound).
Checks Optimization for Arguments
Inductive optArgs: symTabRT -> list paramSpecRT -> list expRT -> list expRT -> Prop :=
| O_Args_Nil: forall st,
optArgs st nil nil nil
| O_Args_Mode_In: forall param st arg arg' argBound params args args',
param.(parameter_mode_rt) = In ->
is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark_rt)) = false ->
optExp st arg (arg', argBound) ->
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgs st (param :: params) (arg :: args) (arg' :: args')
| O_Args_Mode_In_RangeCheck: forall param st u v arg arg' u' v' arg'' params args args',
param.(parameter_mode_rt) = In ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark_rt)) (RangeRT u v) ->
optExp st arg (arg', Interval u' v') ->
optimize_range_check arg' (Interval u' v') (Interval u v) arg'' ->
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgs st (param :: params) (arg :: args) (arg'' :: args')
| O_Args_Mode_Out: forall param n0 st t n n' nBound params args args',
param.(parameter_mode_rt) = Out ->
fetch_exp_type_rt n0 st = Some t ->
is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
optName st n (n', nBound) ->
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgs st (param :: params) ((NameRT n0 n) :: args)
((NameRT n0 n') :: args')
| O_Args_Mode_Out_RangeCheck: forall param st u v n0 t u' v' n n' nBound arg' params args args',
param.(parameter_mode_rt) = Out ->
bound_of_type st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark_rt)) (Interval u v) ->
fetch_exp_type_rt n0 st = Some t ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u' v') ->
optName st n (n', nBound) ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out (NameRT n0 n') (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') arg' ->
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgs st (param :: params) ((NameRT n0 n) :: args)
(arg' :: args')
| O_Args_Mode_InOut: forall param n0 st t n n' nBound params args args',
param.(parameter_mode_rt) = In_Out ->
fetch_exp_type_rt n0 st = Some t ->
is_range_constrainted_type t = false \/ is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark_rt)) = false ->
optName st n (n', nBound) ->
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgs st (param :: params) ((NameRT n0 n) :: args)
((NameRT n0 n') :: args')
| O_Args_Mode_InOut_In_RangeCheck: forall param u v n0 st t u' v' n n' v1 v2 arg arg' params args args',
param.(parameter_mode_rt) = In_Out ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark_rt)) (RangeRT u v) ->
fetch_exp_type_rt n0 st = Some t ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u' v') ->
optExp st (NameRT n0 n) ((NameRT n0 n'), Interval v1 v2) ->
optimize_range_check (NameRT n0 n') (Interval v1 v2) (Interval u v) arg ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out arg (Interval u v) (Interval u' v') arg' ->
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgs st (param :: params) ((NameRT n0 n) :: args)
(arg' :: args').
Checks Optimization for Statement
Inductive optStmt: symTabRT -> stmtRT -> stmtRT -> Prop :=
| O_Null: forall st,
optStmt st NullRT NullRT
| O_Assign: forall x st t x' xBound e e' eBound n,
fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some t ->
is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
optName st x (x', xBound) ->
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optStmt st (AssignRT n x e) (AssignRT n x' e')
| O_Assign_RangeCheck: forall x st t u v x' xBound e e' u' v' e'' n,
fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some t ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u v) ->
optName st x (x', xBound) ->
optExp st e (e', Interval u' v') ->
optimize_range_check e' (Interval u' v') (Interval u v) e'' ->
optStmt st (AssignRT n x e) (AssignRT n x' e'')
| O_If: forall st e e' eBound c1 c1' c2 c2' n,
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optStmt st c1 c1' ->
optStmt st c2 c2' ->
optStmt st (IfRT n e c1 c2) (IfRT n e' c1' c2')
| O_While: forall st e e' eBound c c' n,
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optStmt st c c' ->
optStmt st (WhileRT n e c) (WhileRT n e' c')
| O_Call: forall p st n0 pb args args' n pn,
fetch_proc_rt p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
optArgs st (procedure_parameter_profile_rt pb) args args' ->
optStmt st (CallRT n pn p args) (CallRT n pn p args')
| O_Seq: forall st c1 c1' c2 c2' n,
optStmt st c1 c1' ->
optStmt st c2 c2' ->
optStmt st (SeqRT n c1 c2) (SeqRT n c1' c2').
Inductive optObjDecl: symTabRT -> objDeclRT -> objDeclRT -> Prop :=
| O_ObjDecl_NoneInit: forall st n x t,
optObjDecl st (mkobjDeclRT n x t None)
(mkobjDeclRT n x t None)
| O_ObjDecl_NoRangeCheck: forall t st e e' eBound n x,
is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optObjDecl st (mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e))
(mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e'))
| O_ObjDecl_RangeCheck: forall st t u v e e' u' v' e'' n x,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u v) ->
optExp st e (e', Interval u' v') ->
optimize_range_check e' (Interval u' v') (Interval u v) e'' ->
optObjDecl st (mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e))
(mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e'')).
| O_Null: forall st,
optStmt st NullRT NullRT
| O_Assign: forall x st t x' xBound e e' eBound n,
fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some t ->
is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
optName st x (x', xBound) ->
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optStmt st (AssignRT n x e) (AssignRT n x' e')
| O_Assign_RangeCheck: forall x st t u v x' xBound e e' u' v' e'' n,
fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some t ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u v) ->
optName st x (x', xBound) ->
optExp st e (e', Interval u' v') ->
optimize_range_check e' (Interval u' v') (Interval u v) e'' ->
optStmt st (AssignRT n x e) (AssignRT n x' e'')
| O_If: forall st e e' eBound c1 c1' c2 c2' n,
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optStmt st c1 c1' ->
optStmt st c2 c2' ->
optStmt st (IfRT n e c1 c2) (IfRT n e' c1' c2')
| O_While: forall st e e' eBound c c' n,
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optStmt st c c' ->
optStmt st (WhileRT n e c) (WhileRT n e' c')
| O_Call: forall p st n0 pb args args' n pn,
fetch_proc_rt p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
optArgs st (procedure_parameter_profile_rt pb) args args' ->
optStmt st (CallRT n pn p args) (CallRT n pn p args')
| O_Seq: forall st c1 c1' c2 c2' n,
optStmt st c1 c1' ->
optStmt st c2 c2' ->
optStmt st (SeqRT n c1 c2) (SeqRT n c1' c2').
Inductive optObjDecl: symTabRT -> objDeclRT -> objDeclRT -> Prop :=
| O_ObjDecl_NoneInit: forall st n x t,
optObjDecl st (mkobjDeclRT n x t None)
(mkobjDeclRT n x t None)
| O_ObjDecl_NoRangeCheck: forall t st e e' eBound n x,
is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
optExp st e (e', eBound) ->
optObjDecl st (mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e))
(mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e'))
| O_ObjDecl_RangeCheck: forall st t u v e e' u' v' e'' n x,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u v) ->
optExp st e (e', Interval u' v') ->
optimize_range_check e' (Interval u' v') (Interval u v) e'' ->
optObjDecl st (mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e))
(mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some e'')).
Inductive optDecl: symTabRT -> declRT -> declRT -> Prop :=
| O_NullDecl: forall st,
optDecl st NullDeclRT NullDeclRT
| O_TypeDecl: forall st n t,
optDecl st (TypeDeclRT n t) (TypeDeclRT n t)
| O_ObjDecl: forall st o o' n,
optObjDecl st o o' ->
optDecl st (ObjDeclRT n o) (ObjDeclRT n o')
| O_ProcBody: forall st p p' n,
optProcBodyDecl st p p' ->
optDecl st (ProcBodyDeclRT n p) (ProcBodyDeclRT n p')
| O_SeqDecl: forall st d1 d1' d2 d2' n,
optDecl st d1 d1' ->
optDecl st d2 d2' ->
optDecl st (SeqDeclRT n d1 d2) (SeqDeclRT n d1' d2')
with optProcBodyDecl: symTabRT -> procBodyDeclRT -> procBodyDeclRT -> Prop :=
| O_ProcBodyDecl: forall st decls decls' stmt stmt' n p params,
optDecl st decls decls' ->
optStmt st stmt stmt' ->
optProcBodyDecl st (mkprocBodyDeclRT n p params decls stmt)
(mkprocBodyDeclRT n p params decls' stmt').
Inductive optProgram: symTabRT -> programRT -> programRT -> Prop :=
| OptProgram: forall st p declsRT',
optDecl st p.(declsRT) declsRT' ->
optProgram st p (mkprogramRT declsRT' p.(mainRT)).