
Zhi Zhang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Kansas State University

Require Export ZArith.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Export CpdtTactics.
Require Export list_util.

This file defines some basic data types and operations used for formalization of SPARK 2014 language;


Distinct AST number labeled for each AST node; it's not a part of the SPARK 2014 language, but it's introduced to facilitate the formalization of the language and error debugging. For example, the AST number can be used to map the error information back to the SPARK source code, and it also can be used to map each ast node to its type information;

Definition astnum := nat.

In CompCert, non-negative values are used to represent identifiers, we take the same way to represent identifiers/names as natural numbers;
  • idnum: represent declared variables;
  • procnum: represent declared procedure names;
  • pkgnum: represent package names;
  • typenum: represent declared type names;

Definition idnum := nat.

Definition procnum := nat.

Definition pkgnum := nat.

Definition typenum := nat.

Definition arrindex := Z.

Data Types

in SPARK, data types can be boolean, integer, subtype, array/record types and others; typenum denotes the subtype names or array/record types names;
In SPARK, subtype can be declared in the following ways:
  • subtype declaration, e.g. subtype MyInt is Integer range 0 .. 5;
  • derived type declaration, e.g. type MyInt is new Integer range 1 .. 100;
  • integer type declaration, e.g. type MyInt is range 1 .. 10;
Note: now we only consider the 32-bit singed integer type for our SPARK subset language, and model it with Integer; Actually, SPARK has various integer types, we can extend our types by adding more SPARK types here and adding its corresponding value definition in values.v;

Inductive type: Type :=
    | Boolean
    | Integer
    | Subtype (t: typenum)
    | Derived_Type (t: typenum)
    | Integer_Type (t: typenum)
    | Array_Type (t: typenum)
    | Record_Type (t: typenum) .

In/Out Mode

Inductive mode: Type :=
    | In
    | Out
    | In_Out.


unary and binary operators


Inductive literal: Type :=
    | Integer_Literal: Z -> literal
    | Boolean_Literal: bool -> literal .

Auxiliary Functions

it wll be used to determine whether to put range check
  Definition is_range_constrainted_type (t: type): bool :=
    match t with
    | Subtype _ => true
    | Derived_Type _ => true
    | Integer_Type _ => true
    | _ => false

  Definition subtype_num (t: type): option typenum :=
    match t with
    | Subtype tn => Some tn
    | Derived_Type tn => Some tn
    | Integer_Type tn => Some tn
    | _ => None

  Definition beq_type (t1 t2: type): bool :=
    match t1, t2 with
    | Boolean, Boolean => true
    | Integer, Integer => true
    | Subtype t1', Subtype t2' => beq_nat t1' t2'
    | Derived_Type t1', Derived_Type t2' => beq_nat t1' t2'
    | Integer_Type t1', Integer_Type t2' => beq_nat t1' t2'
    | Array_Type t1', Array_Type t2' => beq_nat t1' t2'
    | Record_Type t1', Record_Type t2' => beq_nat t1' t2'
    | _, _ => false

  Definition is_in_mode (x: mode): bool :=
    match x with
    | In => true
    | _ => false

  Definition is_out_mode (x: mode): bool :=
    match x with
    | Out => true
    | _ => false

  Definition is_in_out_mode (x: mode): bool :=
    match x with
    | In_Out => true
    | _ => false

  Lemma beq_type_refl: forall t,
    true = beq_type t t.
    intros; destruct t;
    smack; apply beq_nat_refl.

  Lemma beq_type_eq: forall t1 t2,
    true = beq_type t1 t2 ->
      t1 = t2.
    intros; destruct t1, t2; smack;
    specialize (beq_nat_eq _ _ H); smack.

End LB_AuxiliaryFunctions.