
Zhi Zhang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Kansas State University

Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Run-Time Checks

a subset of run-time checks to be verified
  • Do_Division_Check
    Check that the second operand of the the division, mod or rem operator is not zero.
  • Do_Overflow_Check
    Check that the result of the given arithmetic operation is within the bounds of the base type.
  • Do_Range_Check
    Check that the given value is within the range of the expected scalar subtype.
  • Do_Range_Check_On_Return
    for a procedure call, if it's required a range check for its input variables during copy_in procedure, then the range check flag should be set for its input arguments; but if it's required a range check for its output variables during copy_out procedure, then the range check flag should be set for its output parameters instead of its output arguments, but it's unreasonable to set the range check on formal parameters of the called procedure as it maybe called in different context where there are no range check requirement. So here we introduce a new check flag Do_Range_Check_On_CopyOut for the output parameters but it's set on the output arguments.
  • Undefined_Check
    for any run-time checks extracted from gnat2xml other than Do_Division_Check, Do_Overflow_Check and Do_Range_Check, they are represented by Undefined_Check.
Do_Range_Check (Flag9-Sem) (reference: sinfo.ads)
This flag is set on an expression which appears in a context where a range check is required. The target type is clear from the context. The contexts in which this flag can appear are the following:
  • Right side of an assignment. In this case the target type is taken from the left side of the assignment, which is referenced by the Name of the N_Assignment_Statement node.
  • Subscript expressions in an indexed component. In this case the target type is determined from the type of the array, which is referenced by the Prefix of the N_Indexed_Component node.
  • Argument expression for a parameter, appearing either directly in the Parameter_Associations list of a call or as the Expression of an N_Parameter_Association node that appears in this list. In either case, the check is against the type of the formal. Note that the flag is relevant only in IN and IN OUT parameters, and will be ignored for OUT parameters, where no check is required in the call, and if a check is required on the return, it is generated explicitly with a type conversion.
  • Initialization expression for the initial value in an object declaration. In this case the Do_Range_Check flag is set on the initialization expression, and the check is against the range of the type of the object being declared. This includes the cases of expressions providing default discriminant values, and expressions used to initialize record components.
  • The expression of a type conversion. In this case the range check is against the target type of the conversion. See also the use of Do_Overflow_Check on a type conversion. The distinction is that the overflow check protects against a value that is outside the range of the target base type, whereas a range check checks that the resulting value (which is a value of the base type of the target type), satisfies the range constraint of the target type.
checks that are needed to be verified at run time:

Inductive check_flag: Type :=
    | DivCheck : check_flag
    | OverflowCheck : check_flag
    | RangeCheck : check_flag
    | RangeCheckOnReturn : check_flag
    | UndefinedCheck : check_flag.

For an expression or statement, there may exists a list of checks enforced on it, for example, for division expression, both division by zero and overflow checks are needed to be performed;
Definition check_flags := list check_flag.

For an expression e used as index of an array, e.g. a(e), then overflow check is called the interior run-time checks for e, and range check for the value of e is enforced by the array, so it's called exterior run-time checks; in our formalization for SPARK semantics, we distinguish these two different kind of checks, as they performed at diferrent stages, one is run-time checked when e is evaluated, and the other is run-time checked when the value of e is used as index of array a;
Definition interior_checks := check_flags.

Definition exterior_checks := check_flags.

Run-Time Checks Subset

these functions will be used to verify the run-time check flags that are generated by GNAT front end against the expected run-time check flags as required by the semantics of SPARK programming language;

Function beq_check_flag (ck1 ck2: check_flag): bool :=
  match ck1, ck2 with
  | DivCheck, DivCheck => true
  | OverflowCheck, OverflowCheck => true
  | RangeCheck, RangeCheck => true
  | RangeCheckOnReturn, RangeCheckOnReturn => true
  | UndefinedCheck, UndefinedCheck => true
  | _, _ => false

Function element_of (a: check_flag) (ls: list check_flag): bool :=
  match ls with
  | nil => false
  | (a' :: ls') =>
      if beq_check_flag a a' then
        element_of a ls'

Function subset_of (cks1 cks2: check_flags): bool :=
  match cks1 with
  | nil => true
  | ck :: cks1' =>
      if element_of ck cks2 then
        subset_of cks1' cks2

Function beq_check_flags (cks1 cks2: check_flags): bool :=
  (subset_of cks1 cks2) && (subset_of cks2 cks1).