
Zhi Zhang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Kansas State University

Require Export list_util.
Require Export values.
Require Export environment.
Require Export symboltable.
Require Export CpdtTactics.

Module Entry_Value_Stored <: ENTRY.
  Definition T := value.
End Entry_Value_Stored.

Module STACK := STORE(Entry_Value_Stored).
Import STACK.

Run-Time Check Evaluation

Overflow Check

check whether a value falls into the bound of basic integer type
Inductive overflowCheck: Z -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | OverflowCheck_Fail: forall v,
        in_bound v int32_bound false ->
        overflowCheck v (RTE OverflowError)
    | OverflowCheck_OK: forall v,
        in_bound v int32_bound true ->
        overflowCheck v (OK (Int v)).

Division Check

Inductive divCheck: binary_operator -> Z -> Z -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | DivCheck_RTE: forall op dividend divisor,
        op = Divide \/ op = Modulus ->
        (Zeq_bool divisor 0) = true ->
        divCheck op dividend divisor (RTE DivByZero)
    | DivCheck_D: forall dividend divisor v,
        (Zeq_bool divisor 0) = false ->
        Math.div (Int dividend) (Int divisor) = Some v ->
        divCheck Divide dividend divisor (OK v)
    | DivCheck_M: forall dividend divisor v,
        (Zeq_bool divisor 0) = false ->
        Math.mod' (Int dividend) (Int divisor) = Some v ->
        divCheck Modulus dividend divisor (OK v).

Range Check

Inductive rangeCheck: Z -> Z -> Z -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | RangeCheck_Fail: forall v l u,
        in_bound v (Interval l u) false ->
        rangeCheck v l u (RTE RangeError)
    | RangeCheck_OK: forall v l u,
        in_bound v (Interval l u) true ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)).

Run-Time Check for Binary Operator

Inductive do_run_time_check_on_binop: binary_operator -> value -> value -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | DoCheckOnBinops: forall op v1 v2 v v',
        op = Plus \/ op = Minus \/ op = Multiply ->
        Math.binary_operation op v1 v2 = Some (Int v) ->
        overflowCheck v v' ->
        do_run_time_check_on_binop op v1 v2 v'
    | DoCheckOnDivide_RTE: forall v1 v2,
        divCheck Divide v1 v2 (RTE DivByZero) ->
        do_run_time_check_on_binop Divide (Int v1) (Int v2) (RTE DivByZero)
    | DoCheckOnDivide: forall v1 v2 v v',
        divCheck Divide v1 v2 (OK (Int v)) ->
        overflowCheck v v' ->
        do_run_time_check_on_binop Divide (Int v1) (Int v2) v'
    | DoCheckOnModulus: forall v1 v2 v',
        divCheck Modulus v1 v2 v' ->
        do_run_time_check_on_binop Modulus (Int v1) (Int v2) v'
    | DoCheckOnBinOp_Others: forall op v1 v2 v,
        op <> Plus ->
        op <> Minus ->
        op <> Multiply ->
        op <> Divide ->
        op <> Modulus ->
        Math.binary_operation op v1 v2 = Some v ->
        do_run_time_check_on_binop op v1 v2 (OK v).

Run-Time Check for Unary Operator

Inductive do_run_time_check_on_unop: unary_operator -> value -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | DoCheckOnUnary_Minus: forall v v' v'',
        Math.unary_minus v = Some (Int v') ->
        overflowCheck v' v'' ->
        do_run_time_check_on_unop Unary_Minus v v''
    | DoCheckOnUnOp_Others: forall op v v',
        op <> Unary_Minus ->
        Math.unary_operation op v = Some v' ->
        do_run_time_check_on_unop op v (OK v').

given a record value r, get the value of its field f
Function record_select (r: list (idnum * value)) (f: idnum): option value :=
    match r with
    | (f1, v1) :: r1 =>
        if beq_nat f1 f then
          Some v1
          record_select r1 f
    | nil => None

given an array value a, get its component value indexed by i
Function array_select (a: list (arrindex * value)) (i: Z): option value :=
    match a with
    | (i0, v0) :: a1 =>
        if Zeq_bool i0 i then
          Some v0
          array_select a1 i
    | nil => None

Relational Semantics

Literal Evaluation

interpret the literal expressions
Inductive evalLiteral: literal -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | EvalLiteral_Bool: forall v,
        evalLiteral (Boolean_Literal v) (OK (Bool v))
    | EvalLiteral_Int: forall v v',
        overflowCheck v v' ->
        evalLiteral (Integer_Literal v) v'.

Expression Evaluation

for binary expression and unary expression, if a run time error is detected in any of its child expressions, then return a run time error; for binary expression (e1 op e2), if both e1 and e2 are evaluated to some normal values, then run-time checks are performed according to the checking rules specified for the operator 'op'; Whenever the check fails, a run-time error is detected and the program is terminated, otherwise, normal binary operation result is returned;

Inductive evalExp: symTab -> state -> exp -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | EvalLiteral: forall l v st s n,
        evalLiteral l v ->
        evalExp st s (Literal n l) v
    | EvalName: forall s nm v st n,
        evalName st s nm v ->
        evalExp st s (Name n nm) v
    | EvalBinOpE1_RTE: forall st s e1 msg n op e2,
        evalExp st s e1 (RTE msg) ->
        evalExp st s (BinOp n op e1 e2) (RTE msg)
    | EvalBinOpE2_RTE: forall st s e1 v1 e2 msg n op,
        evalExp st s e1 (OK v1) ->
        evalExp st s e2 (RTE msg) ->
        evalExp st s (BinOp n op e1 e2) (RTE msg)
    | EvalBinOp: forall st s e1 v1 e2 v2 op v n,
        evalExp st s e1 (OK v1) ->
        evalExp st s e2 (OK v2) ->
        do_run_time_check_on_binop op v1 v2 v ->
        evalExp st s (BinOp n op e1 e2) v
    | EvalUnOp_RTE: forall st s e msg n op,
        evalExp st s e (RTE msg) ->
        evalExp st s (UnOp n op e) (RTE msg)
    | EvalUnOp: forall st s e v op v' n,
        evalExp st s e (OK v) ->
        do_run_time_check_on_unop op v v' ->
        evalExp st s (UnOp n op e) v'

Name Evaluation

with evalName: symTab -> state -> name -> Ret value -> Prop :=
    | EvalIdentifier: forall x s v st n,
        fetchG x s = Some v ->
        evalName st s (Identifier n x) (OK v)
    | EvalIndexedComponentX_RTE: forall st s x msg n e,
        evalName st s x (RTE msg) ->
        evalName st s (IndexedComponent n x e) (RTE msg)
    | EvalIndexedComponentE_RTE: forall st s x a e msg n,
        evalName st s x (OK (ArrayV a)) ->
        evalExp st s e (RTE msg) ->
        evalName st s (IndexedComponent n x e) (RTE msg)
    | EvalIndexedComponent_Range_RTE: forall st s x a e i t l u n,
        evalName st s x (OK (ArrayV a)) ->
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int i)) ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some (Array_Type t) ->
        extract_array_index_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck i l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        evalName st s (IndexedComponent n x e) (RTE RangeError)
    | EvalIndexedComponent: forall st s x a e i t l u v n,
        evalName st s x (OK (ArrayV a)) ->
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int i)) ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some (Array_Type t) ->
        extract_array_index_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck i l u (OK (Int i)) ->
        array_select a i = Some v ->
        evalName st s (IndexedComponent n x e) (OK v)
    | EvalSelectedComponentX_RTE: forall st s x msg n f,
        evalName st s x (RTE msg) ->
        evalName st s (SelectedComponent n x f) (RTE msg)
    | EvalSelectedComponent: forall st s x r f v n,
        evalName st s x (OK (RecordV r)) ->
        record_select r f = Some v ->
        evalName st s (SelectedComponent n x f) (OK v).

Declaration Evaluation

Inductive semantic of declarations eval_decl st s sto decl rsto means that rsto is the frame to be pushed on s after evaluating decl, sto is used as an accumulator for building the frame;

Inductive evalDecl: symTab -> state -> frame -> decl -> Ret frame -> Prop :=
    | EvalDecl_Null: forall st s f,
        evalDecl st s f NullDecl (OK f)
    | EvalDecl_Type: forall st s f n t,
        evalDecl st s f (TypeDecl n t) (OK f)
    | EvalDecl_Var_None: forall d st s f n,
        d.(initialization_exp) = None ->
        evalDecl st s f (ObjDecl n d) (OK (push f d.(object_name) Undefined))
    | EvalDecl_Var_RTE: forall d e st f s msg n,
        d.(initialization_exp) = Some e ->
        evalExp st (f :: s) e (RTE msg) ->
        evalDecl st s f (ObjDecl n d) (RTE msg)
    | EvalDecl_Var: forall d e st f s v n,
        d.(initialization_exp) = Some e ->
        evalExp st (f :: s) e (OK v) ->
        v <> Undefined ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (d.(object_nominal_subtype)) = false ->
        evalDecl st s f (ObjDecl n d) (OK (push f d.(object_name) v))
    | EvalDecl_Var_Range_RTE: forall d e st f s v l u n,
        d.(initialization_exp) = Some e ->
        evalExp st (f :: s) e (OK (Int v)) ->
        extract_subtype_range st (d.(object_nominal_subtype)) (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        evalDecl st s f (ObjDecl n d) (RTE RangeError)
    | EvalDecl_Var_Range: forall d e st f s v l u n,
        d.(initialization_exp) = Some e ->
        evalExp st (f :: s) e (OK (Int v)) ->
        extract_subtype_range st (d.(object_nominal_subtype)) (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
        evalDecl st s f (ObjDecl n d) (OK (push f d.(object_name) (Int v)))
    | EvalDecl_Proc: forall st s f n p,
        evalDecl st s f (ProcBodyDecl n p) (OK f)
    | EvalDecl_Seq_RTE: forall st s f d1 msg n d2,
        evalDecl st s f d1 (RTE msg) ->
        evalDecl st s f (SeqDecl n d1 d2) (RTE msg)
    | EvalDecl_Seq: forall st s f d1 f' d2 f'' n,
        evalDecl st s f d1 (OK f') ->
        evalDecl st s f' d2 f'' ->
        evalDecl st s f (SeqDecl n d1 d2) f''.

update the ith element of array a by value v: ai := v
Function updateIndexedComp (a: list (arrindex * value)) (i: arrindex) (v: value): list (arrindex * value) :=
    match a with
    | (i0, v0)::a1 =>
        if Zeq_bool i0 i then
          (i0, v) :: a1
          (i0, v0) :: (updateIndexedComp a1 i v)
    | nil => (i, v) :: nil

update the field f of record r by value v: r.f := v
Function updateSelectedComp (r: list (idnum * value)) (f : idnum) (v: value): list (idnum * value) :=
    match r with
    | (f1, v1) :: r1 =>
      if beq_nat f1 f then
        (f1,v) :: r1
        (f1, v1) :: (updateSelectedComp r1 f v)
   | nil => (f, v) :: nil

Function arrayUpdate (a: value) (i: arrindex) (v: value): option value :=
    match a with
    | Undefined => Some (ArrayV (updateIndexedComp nil i v))
    | ArrayV arrObj => Some (ArrayV (updateIndexedComp arrObj i v))
    | _ => None

update the field f of record r by value v: r.f := v
Function recordUpdate (r: value) (f : idnum) (v: value): option value :=
    match r with
    | Undefined => Some (RecordV (updateSelectedComp nil f v))
    | RecordV recObj => Some (RecordV (updateSelectedComp recObj f v))
    | _ => None

update name with new value in the state and return newly updated state
Inductive storeUpdate: symTab -> state -> name -> value -> Ret state -> Prop :=
    | SU_Identifier: forall s x v s1 st n,
        updateG s x v = Some s1 ->
        storeUpdate st s (Identifier n x) v (OK s1)
    | SU_Indexed_Component_xRTE: forall st s x msg n e v,
        evalName st s x (RTE msg) ->
        storeUpdate st s (IndexedComponent n x e) v (RTE msg)
    | SU_Indexed_Component_eRTE: forall st s x a e msg n v,
        evalName st s x (OK (ArrayV a)) \/ evalName st s x (OK Undefined) ->
        evalExp st s e (RTE msg) ->
        storeUpdate st s (IndexedComponent n x e) v (RTE msg)
    | SU_Indexed_Component_Range_RTE: forall st s x a e i t l u n v,
        evalName st s x (OK (ArrayV a)) \/ evalName st s x (OK Undefined) ->
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int i)) ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some (Array_Type t) ->
        extract_array_index_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck i l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        storeUpdate st s (IndexedComponent n x e) v (RTE RangeError)
    | SU_Indexed_Component: forall st s x arrObj a e i t l u v a1 s1 n,
        evalName st s x (OK arrObj) ->
        arrObj = (ArrayV a) \/ arrObj = Undefined ->
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int i)) ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some (Array_Type t) ->
        extract_array_index_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck i l u (OK (Int i)) ->
        arrayUpdate arrObj i v = (Some (ArrayV a1)) ->
        storeUpdate st s x (ArrayV a1) s1 ->
        storeUpdate st s (IndexedComponent n x e) v s1
    | SU_Selected_Component_xRTE: forall st s x msg n f v,
        evalName st s x (RTE msg) ->
        storeUpdate st s (SelectedComponent n x f) v (RTE msg)
    | SU_Selected_Component: forall st s x recObj r f v r1 s1 n,
        evalName st s x (OK recObj) ->
        recObj = (RecordV r) \/ recObj = Undefined ->
        recordUpdate recObj f v = Some (RecordV r1) ->
        storeUpdate st s x (RecordV r1) s1 ->
        storeUpdate st s (SelectedComponent n x f) v s1.

Statement Evaluation

State Manipulation For Procedure Calls And Return
Copy_in st s f lparams lexp frame means the frame is the portion of stack to push on the stack to start evaluating the procedure having lparams as parameters spcification. More precisely, frame contains the value of the formal parameters described by lpamrams. These values are computed from the list of arguments lexp starting from the initial frame f. Only "In" and "In Out" parameters are evaluated, "Out" parameters are set to Undefined.
start from an empty frame and then push the values of arguments into it

Copy In

Inductive copyIn: symTab -> state -> frame -> list paramSpec -> list exp -> Ret frame -> Prop :=
    | CopyIn_Nil : forall st s f,
        copyIn st s f nil nil (OK f)
    | CopyIn_Mode_In_eRTE: forall param st s e msg f lparam le,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        evalExp st s e (RTE msg) ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) (e :: le) (RTE msg)
    | CopyIn_Mode_In_NoRange: forall param st s e v f f' lparam le f'',
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        evalExp st s e (OK v) ->
        v <> Undefined ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = false ->
        push f param.(parameter_name) v = f' ->
        copyIn st s f' lparam le f'' ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) (e :: le) f''
    | CopyIn_Mode_In_Range_RTE: forall param st s e v l u f lparam le,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int v)) ->
        extract_subtype_range st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) (e :: le) (RTE RangeError)
    | CopyIn_Mode_In_Range: forall param st s e v l u f f' lparam le f'',
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int v)) ->
        extract_subtype_range st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
        push f param.(parameter_name) (Int v) = f' ->
        copyIn st s f' lparam le f'' ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) (e :: le) f''
    | CopyIn_Mode_InOut_eRTE: forall param st s nm msg f lparam n le,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        evalName st s nm (RTE msg) ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: le) (RTE msg)
    | CopyIn_Mode_InOut_NoRange: forall param st s nm v f f' lparam le f'' n,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        evalName st s nm (OK v) ->
        v <> Undefined ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = false ->
        push f param.(parameter_name) v = f' ->
        copyIn st s f' lparam le f'' ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: le) f''
    | CopyIn_Mode_InOut_Range_RTE: forall param st s nm v l u f lparam le n,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        evalName st s nm (OK (Int v)) ->
        extract_subtype_range st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: le) (RTE RangeError)
    | CopyIn_Mode_InOut_Range: forall param st s nm v l u f f' lparam le f'' n,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        evalName st s nm (OK (Int v)) ->
        extract_subtype_range st (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
        push f param.(parameter_name) (Int v) = f' ->
        copyIn st s f' lparam le f'' ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: le) f''
    | CopyIn_Mode_Out: forall param f f' st s lparam le f'' n nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out ->
        push f param.(parameter_name) Undefined = f' ->
        copyIn st s f' lparam le f'' ->
        copyIn st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: le) f''.

Copy_out st s prefix lparams lexp s' means that s' is the result of copying Out params of the currently finished procedure of prefix into there output variables. More precisely:
  • prefix is a portion of stack where only the parameters of the procedure are stored;
  • lparams is the static specification of the parameters of the procedure;
  • lexp is the list of original expressions given as parameter of the procedure (this is where one can find in which variables "out" parameters must be copied);
  • s is the portion of the stack which needs to be updated and returned by the procedure, more precisely: it contains the global parameters + the local environment of the colling procedure;
  • s' is the resulting state.

Copy Out

Inductive copyOut: symTab -> state -> frame -> list paramSpec -> list exp -> Ret state -> Prop :=
    | CopyOut_Nil : forall st s f,
        copyOut st s f nil nil (OK s)
    | CopyOut_Mode_Out_nRTE: forall param f v n st t s nm msg lparam lexp,
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out \/ param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        fetch param.(parameter_name) f = Some v ->
        v <> Undefined ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        storeUpdate st s nm v (RTE msg) ->
        copyOut st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: lexp) (RTE msg)
    | CopyOut_Mode_Out_NoRange: forall param f v n st t s nm s' lparam lexp s'',
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out \/ param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        fetch param.(parameter_name) f = Some v ->
        v <> Undefined ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        storeUpdate st s nm v (OK s') ->
        copyOut st s' f lparam lexp s'' ->
        copyOut st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: lexp) s''
    | CopyOut_Mode_Out_Range_RTE: forall param f v n st t l u s lparam nm lexp,
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out \/ param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        fetch param.(parameter_name) f = Some (Int v) ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        extract_subtype_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        copyOut st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: lexp) (RTE RangeError)
    | CopyOut_Mode_Out_Range_nRTE: forall param f v n st t l u s nm msg lparam lexp,
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out \/ param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        fetch param.(parameter_name) f = Some (Int v) ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        extract_subtype_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
        storeUpdate st s nm (Int v) (RTE msg) ->
        copyOut st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: lexp) (RTE msg)
    | CopyOut_Mode_Out_Range: forall param f v n st t l u s nm s' lparam lexp s'',
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out \/ param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        fetch param.(parameter_name) f = Some (Int v) ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        extract_subtype_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
        storeUpdate st s nm (Int v) (OK s') ->
        copyOut st s' f lparam lexp s'' ->
        copyOut st s f (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: lexp) s''
    | CopyOut_Mode_In: forall param st s f lparam lexp s' e,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        copyOut st s f lparam lexp s' ->
        copyOut st s f (param :: lparam) (e :: lexp) s'.

cut_until s n s' s'' means cutting the stack s until to a frame whose corresponding procedure's nested declaration level is less than n, and s' is a stack with all its frame's corresponding procedure's nested declaration level greater or equal n, and s'' is a stack holds frames whose procedure's nested declaration levels are less than n, and s = s' ++ s'';
Inductive cutUntil: state -> scope_level -> state -> state -> Prop :=
    | CutUntil_Nil: forall n,
        cutUntil nil n nil nil
    | CutUntil_Head: forall f n s,
        (level_of f) < n ->
        cutUntil (f :: s) n nil (f :: s)
    | CutUntil_Tail: forall f n s s' s'',
        ~ (level_of f < n) ->
        cutUntil s n s' s'' ->
        cutUntil (f :: s) n (f :: s') s''.

Lemma cut_until_uniqueness: forall s n intact_s' s' intact_s'' s'',
  cutUntil s n intact_s' s' ->
  cutUntil s n intact_s'' s'' ->
  intact_s' = intact_s'' /\ s' = s''.
  intros s n intact_s' s' intact_s'' s'' H; revert intact_s'' s''.
  induction H; intros;
  match goal with
    | [H: cutUntil nil _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H
    | [H: cutUntil (?f :: ?s) _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H
  end; smack;
  specialize (IHcutUntil _ _ H8); smack.

in a statement evaluation, whenever a run time error is detected in the evaluation of its sub-statements or sub-component, the evaluation is terminated and return a run-time error; otherwise, evaluate the statement into a normal state.
  • in the evaluation for assignment statement (Assign n x e),
    first, check if it's needed to do range check on the right side (e) of the assignment, case 1: (is_range_constrainted_type t = false) means no range check needed for the value of expression e as the type of the left side of the assignment is not a range constrainted type, case 2: (extract_subtype_range st t (Range l u)) means left side of the assignment is a name expression of range constrainted type whose range is between l and u, so a range check is required on the value of expression e;
    second, if there is no range check required for e, then do expression evaluation directly on e and update the value of x if there is no run-time errors during their evaluation; if there is a range check required for e, then a range check should be performed on the evaluation value of e before it's assigned to the left side (x) of the assignment;
    please note that the range check for the value of expression e is verified against the target type taken from the left side (x) of the assignment, that's why the range check for expression e is enforced at the level of assignment statement even though the RangeCheck flag is set on the expression e;
  • in the store update storeUpdate_rt for indexed component (e.g. a(i):=v) or selected component (e.g. r.f := v),
    if the value of array a (or value of record r) is Undefined, then create a new aggregate array value with its ith element having value v (or create a new record value with its field f having value v), and assign this new aggregate value to array variable a (or record variable r);
    if the value of array a (or value of record r) is already defined, then update the ith element of its array value (or update the filed f of its record value), and assign the updated aggregate value to array variable a (or record variable r);
  • in the store update storeUpdate_rt for indexed component (e.g. a(i):=v), a range check is required to be performed on the value of index expression i before it's used to update the array value;


Inductive evalStmt: symTab -> state -> stmt -> Ret state -> Prop :=
    | EvalNull: forall st s,
        evalStmt st s Null (OK s)
    | EvalAssign_RTE: forall st s e msg n x,
        evalExp st s e (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (Assign n x e) (RTE msg)
    | EvalAssign: forall st s e v x t s1 n,
        evalExp st s e (OK v) ->
        v <> Undefined ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        storeUpdate st s x v s1 ->
        evalStmt st s (Assign n x e) s1
    | EvalAssign_Range_RTE: forall st s e v x t l u n,
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int v)) ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some t ->
        extract_subtype_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (RTE RangeError) ->
        evalStmt st s (Assign n x e) (RTE RangeError)
    | EvalAssign_Range: forall st s e v x t l u s1 n,
        evalExp st s e (OK (Int v)) ->
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some t ->
        extract_subtype_range st t (Range l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
        storeUpdate st s x (Int v) s1 ->
        evalStmt st s (Assign n x e) s1
    | EvalIf_RTE: forall st s b msg n c1 c2,
        evalExp st s b (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (If n b c1 c2) (RTE msg)
    | EvalIf_True: forall st s b c1 s1 n c2,
        evalExp st s b (OK (Bool true)) ->
        evalStmt st s c1 s1 ->
        evalStmt st s (If n b c1 c2) s1
    | EvalIf_False: forall st s b c2 s1 n c1,
        evalExp st s b (OK (Bool false)) ->
        evalStmt st s c2 s1 ->
        evalStmt st s (If n b c1 c2) s1
    | EvalWhile_RTE: forall st s b msg n c,
        evalExp st s b (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (While n b c) (RTE msg)
    | EvalWhile_True_RTE: forall st s b c msg n,
        evalExp st s b (OK (Bool true)) ->
        evalStmt st s c (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (While n b c) (RTE msg)
    | EvalWhile_True: forall st s b c s1 n s2,
        evalExp st s b (OK (Bool true)) ->
        evalStmt st s c (OK s1) ->
        evalStmt st s1 (While n b c) s2 ->
        evalStmt st s (While n b c) s2
    | EvalWhile_False: forall st s b n c,
        evalExp st s b (OK (Bool false)) ->
        evalStmt st s (While n b c) (OK s)
    | EvalCall_Args_RTE: forall p st n0 pb s args msg n pn,
        fetch_proc p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
        copyIn st s (newFrame n) (procedure_parameter_profile pb) args (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (Call n pn p args) (RTE msg)
    | EvalCall_Decl_RTE: forall p st n0 pb s args f intact_s s1 msg n pn,
        fetch_proc p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
        copyIn st s (newFrame n) (procedure_parameter_profile pb) args (OK f) ->
        cutUntil s n intact_s s1 ->
        evalDecl st s1 f (procedure_declarative_part pb) (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (Call n pn p args) (RTE msg)
    | EvalCall_Body_RTE: forall p st n0 pb s args f intact_s s1 f1 msg n pn,
        fetch_proc p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
        copyIn st s (newFrame n) (procedure_parameter_profile pb) args (OK f) ->
        cutUntil s n intact_s s1 ->
        evalDecl st s1 f (procedure_declarative_part pb) (OK f1) ->
        evalStmt st (f1 :: s1) (procedure_statements pb) (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (Call n pn p args) (RTE msg)
    | EvalCall: forall p st n0 pb s args f intact_s s1 f1 s2 locals_section params_section s3 s4 n pn,
        fetch_proc p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
        copyIn st s (newFrame n) (procedure_parameter_profile pb) args (OK f) ->
        cutUntil s n intact_s s1 ->
        evalDecl st s1 f (procedure_declarative_part pb) (OK f1) ->
        evalStmt st (f1 :: s1) (procedure_statements pb) (OK s2) ->
        s2 = (n, locals_section ++ params_section) :: s3 ->
        List.length (store_of f) = List.length params_section ->
        copyOut st (intact_s ++ s3) (n, params_section) (procedure_parameter_profile pb) args s4 ->
        evalStmt st s (Call n pn p args) s4
    | EvalSeq_RTE: forall st s c1 msg n c2,
        evalStmt st s c1 (RTE msg) ->
        evalStmt st s (Seq n c1 c2) (RTE msg)
    | EvalSeq: forall st s c1 s1 c2 s2 n,
        evalStmt st s c1 (OK s1) ->
        evalStmt st s1 c2 s2 ->
        evalStmt st s (Seq n c1 c2) s2.


the main procedure (with empty parameters) is working as the entry point of the whole program
  • p: is the program
  • p.(main): the main procedure of the program
  • mainProc: the declaration of the main procedure
  • the arguments of the main procedure is nil
  • the initial state of the program is nil

Inductive evalProgram: symTab -> state -> program -> Ret state -> Prop :=
    | EvalProgram: forall st s p n pn,
        evalStmt st nil (Call n pn p.(main) nil) s ->
        evalProgram st nil p s.