
Zhi Zhang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Kansas State University

Require Export ast.
Require Export rt.

This file can be auto-generated from language_template.v by running languagegen in terminal

SPARK Subset Language with Run-Time Check Decorations

We use the Ada terminology to define the terms of this subset language, which makes it easy for Ada(SPARK) users to read it; Besides, we also indicate the reference chapter (for example, ,3.5.3) in Ada 2012 RM, and formalize the language in the same (not exactly) order as they are defined in Ada 2012 RM;

Expression + RT

in IndexedComponentRT, the first astnum is the ast number for the indexed component, and the second astnum is the ast number for array represented by nameRT; in SelectedComponentRT, the first astnum is the ast number for the record field, and second astnum is the ast number for record represented by nameRT;
Induction scheme for expRT and nameRT
Scheme expRT_ind := Induction for expRT Sort Prop with nameRT_ind := Induction for nameRT Sort Prop.

Statement + RT

it's used for subtype declarations:
  • subtype declaration, e.g. subtype MyInt is Integer range 0 .. 5;
  • derived type declaration, e.g. type MyInt is new Integer range 1 .. 100;
  • integer type declaration, e.g. type MyInt is range 1 .. 10;
Inductive rangeRT: Type := RangeRT (l: Z) (u: Z).

Type Declaration + RT

Declaration + RT

Procedure + RT

with procBodyDeclRT: Type :=
    (procedure_astnum_rt: astnum)
    (procedurNameRT: procnum)
    (procedure_parameter_profile_rt: list paramSpecRT)
    (procedure_declarative_part_rt: declRT)
    (procedure_statements_rt: stmtRT).

Program + RT

Record programRT : Type := mkprogramRT{
    declsRT: declRT;
    mainRT: procnum

Auxiliary Functions

Section AuxiliaryFunctions_RT.

  Definition procedure_statements_rt pb :=
    match pb with
      | mkprocBodyDeclRT _ _ _ _ x => x

  Definition procedure_declarative_part_rt pb :=
    match pb with
      | mkprocBodyDeclRT _ _ _ x _ => x

  Definition procedure_parameter_profile_rt pb :=
    match pb with
      | mkprocBodyDeclRT _ _ x _ _ => x

  Definition procedur_name_rt pb :=
    match pb with
      | mkprocBodyDeclRT _ x _ _ _ => x

  Definition type_name_rt td :=
    match td with
    | SubtypeDeclRT _ tn _ _ => tn
    | DerivedTypeDeclRT _ tn _ _ => tn
    | IntegerTypeDeclRT _ tn _ => tn
    | ArrayTypeDeclRT _ tn _ _ => tn
    | RecordTypeDeclRT _ tn _ => tn

  Definition subtype_range_rt (t: typeDeclRT): option rangeRT :=
    match t with
    | SubtypeDeclRT ast_num tn t r => Some r
    | DerivedTypeDeclRT ast_num tn t r => Some r
    | IntegerTypeDeclRT ast_num tn r => Some r
    | _ => None

  Definition expression_astnum_rt e :=
    match e with
    | LiteralRT ast_num l in_checks ex_checks => ast_num
    | NameRT ast_num n => ast_num
    | BinOpRT ast_num bop e1 e2 in_checks ex_checks => ast_num
    | UnOpRT ast_num uop e in_checks ex_checks => ast_num

  Definition name_astnum_rt n :=
    match n with
    | IdentifierRT ast_num x ex_checks => ast_num
    | IndexedComponentRT ast_num x e ex_checks => ast_num
    | SelectedComponentRT ast_num x f ex_checks => ast_num

End AuxiliaryFunctions_RT.