
Zhi Zhang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Kansas State University

Require Export ast_rt.
Require Export ast_util.
Require Export symboltable.

run-time checks to be verified for an expression depend on both the types of its operations and the context where it appears, e.g. if it's used as an index, then RangeCheck should be set for it; in the following formalization, check_flags are the check flags that are enforced by the context of the expression, for example, in toIndexedComponent, RangeCheck will be enforced on the expression e as it's used as an index of array;
in the formalization for expression as defined in language_flagged.v and language.v, the constructor NameRT (Name) is introduced to incorporate type nameRT (name) into type expRT (expression), for example, variable x is represented as a name expression with (NameRT ast_num (IdentifierRT x_ast_num x checkflags) nil), and we enforce that the run-time check flags are put in the constructor IdentifierRT instead of NameRT, that's why the check flags for NameRT is nil;


Inductive toExpRT: symTab -> exp -> expRT -> Prop :=
    | ToLitBool: forall st n b,
        toExpRT st (Literal n (Boolean_Literal b))
                   (LiteralRT n (Boolean_Literal b) nil nil)
    | ToLitIntT: forall st v n,
        in_bound v int32_bound true ->
        toExpRT st (Literal n (Integer_Literal v))
                   (LiteralRT n (Integer_Literal v) nil nil)
    | ToLitIntF: forall st v n,
        in_bound v int32_bound false ->
        toExpRT st (Literal n (Integer_Literal v))
                   (LiteralRT n (Integer_Literal v) (OverflowCheck :: nil) nil)
    | ToName: forall st n nRT nm,
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toExpRT st (Name n nm)
                   (NameRT n nRT)
    | ToBinOpO: forall st op e1 e1RT e2 e2RT n,
        op = Plus \/ op = Minus \/ op = Multiply ->
        toExpRT st e1 e1RT ->
        toExpRT st e2 e2RT ->
        toExpRT st (BinOp n op e1 e2)
                   (BinOpRT n op e1RT e2RT (OverflowCheck :: nil) nil)
    | ToBinOpDO: forall st op e1 e1RT e2 e2RT n,
        op = Divide ->
        toExpRT st e1 e1RT ->
        toExpRT st e2 e2RT ->
        toExpRT st (BinOp n op e1 e2)
                   (BinOpRT n op e1RT e2RT (DivCheck :: OverflowCheck :: nil) nil)
    | ToBinOpM: forall st op e1 e1RT e2 e2RT n,
        op = Modulus ->
        toExpRT st e1 e1RT ->
        toExpRT st e2 e2RT ->
        toExpRT st (BinOp n op e1 e2)
                   (BinOpRT n op e1RT e2RT (DivCheck :: nil) nil)
    | ToBinOpOthers: forall st op e1 e1RT e2 e2RT n,
        op <> Plus ->
        op <> Minus ->
        op <> Multiply ->
        op <> Divide ->
        op <> Modulus ->
        toExpRT st e1 e1RT ->
        toExpRT st e2 e2RT ->
        toExpRT st (BinOp n op e1 e2)
                   (BinOpRT n op e1RT e2RT nil nil)
    | ToUnOpO: forall st op e eRT n,
        op = Unary_Minus ->
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toExpRT st (UnOp n op e)
                   (UnOpRT n op eRT (OverflowCheck :: nil) nil)
    | ToUnOpOthers: forall st op e eRT n,
        op <> Unary_Minus ->
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toExpRT st (UnOp n op e)
                   (UnOpRT n op eRT nil nil)


with toNameRT: symTab -> name -> nameRT -> Prop :=
    | toIdentifier: forall st n x,
        toNameRT st (Identifier n x)
                    (IdentifierRT n x nil)
    | toIndexedComponent: forall st e eRT x xRT n,
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toNameRT st x xRT ->
        toNameRT st (IndexedComponent n x e)
                    (IndexedComponentRT n xRT (update_exterior_checks_exp eRT (RangeCheck :: nil)) nil)
    | toSelectedComponent: forall st x xRT n f,
        toNameRT st x xRT ->
        toNameRT st (SelectedComponent n x f)
                    (SelectedComponentRT n xRT f nil).


for a procedure call, during its copy in, RangeCheck should be performed on input argument if its corresponding formal parameter is a value of range constrainted type; similarly, during its copy out, RangeCheck should be performed on output parameter if its corresponding actual argument is a value of range constrainted type; To distinguish the range checks performed on copy in and copy out, RangeCheckOnReturn is used to denote the range check on copy out, and RangeCheck is used to denote the range check on copy in by default;
toArgsRT formalizes how to insert run-time check flags for arguments according to its corresponding formal parameters;

Inductive toArgsRT: symTab -> list paramSpec -> list exp -> list expRT -> Prop :=
    | ToArgsNull: forall st,
        toArgsRT st nil nil nil
    | ToArgsIn: forall st param arg argRT lparam larg largRT,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = false ->
        toExpRT st arg argRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) (arg :: larg) (argRT :: largRT)
    | ToArgsInRangeCheck: forall st param arg argRT lparam larg largRT,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = true ->
        toExpRT st arg argRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) (arg :: larg) ((update_exterior_checks_exp argRT (RangeCheck :: nil)) :: largRT)
    | ToArgsOut: forall st param n t nRT lparam larg largRT nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: larg) ((NameRT n nRT) :: largRT)
    | ToArgsOutRangeCheck: forall st param n t nRT lparam larg largRT nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = Out ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = true ->
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: larg)
                                      ((NameRT n (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheckOnReturn :: nil))) :: largRT)
    | ToArgsInOut: forall st param n t nRT lparam larg largRT nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = false ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: larg) ((NameRT n nRT) :: largRT)
    | ToArgsInOutRangeCheckIn: forall st param n t nRT lparam larg largRT nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = true ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: larg)
                                      ((NameRT n (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheck :: nil))) :: largRT)
    | ToArgsInOutRangeCheckOut: forall st param n t nRT lparam larg largRT nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = false ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = true ->
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: larg)
                                      ((NameRT n (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheckOnReturn :: nil))) :: largRT)
    | ToArgsInOutRangeCheck: forall st param n t nRT lparam larg largRT nm,
        param.(parameter_mode) = In_Out ->
        is_range_constrainted_type (param.(parameter_subtype_mark)) = true ->
        fetch_exp_type n st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = true ->
        toNameRT st nm nRT ->
        toArgsRT st lparam larg largRT ->
        toArgsRT st (param :: lparam) ((Name n nm) :: larg)
                                      ((NameRT n (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheck :: RangeCheckOnReturn :: nil))) :: largRT).


given a statement, insert run-time check flags according to the run-time checking rules enforced on the semantics of SPARK language and return a run-time checks-flagged statement;
Inductive toStmtRT: symTab -> stmt -> stmtRT -> Prop :=
    | ToNull: forall st,
        toStmtRT st Null NullRT
    | ToAssign: forall x st t xRT e eRT n,
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        toNameRT st x xRT ->
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toStmtRT st (Assign n x e)
                    (AssignRT n xRT eRT)
    | ToAssignRangeCheck: forall x st t xRT e eRT n,
        fetch_exp_type (name_astnum x) st = Some t ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = true ->
        toNameRT st x xRT ->
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toStmtRT st (Assign n x e)
                    (AssignRT n xRT (update_exterior_checks_exp eRT (RangeCheck :: nil)))
    | ToIf: forall e eRT st c1 c1RT c2 c2RT n,
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toStmtRT st c1 c1RT ->
        toStmtRT st c2 c2RT ->
        toStmtRT st (If n e c1 c2)
                    (IfRT n eRT c1RT c2RT)
    | ToWhile: forall e eRT st c cRT n,
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toStmtRT st c cRT ->
        toStmtRT st (While n e c)
                    (WhileRT n eRT cRT)
    | ToCall: forall p st n0 pb params args argsRT n pn,
        fetch_proc p st = Some (n0, pb) ->
        procedure_parameter_profile pb = params ->
        toArgsRT st params args argsRT ->
        toStmtRT st (Call n pn p args)
                    (CallRT n pn p argsRT)
    | ToSeq: forall st c1 c1RT c2 c2RT n,
        toStmtRT st c1 c1RT ->
        toStmtRT st c2 c2RT ->
        toStmtRT st (Seq n c1 c2)
                    (SeqRT n c1RT c2RT).

Inductive toTypeDeclRT: typeDecl -> typeDeclRT -> Prop :=
    | toSubtypeDecl: forall n tn t l u,
        toTypeDeclRT (SubtypeDecl n tn t (Range l u))
                     (SubtypeDeclRT n tn t (RangeRT l u))
    | toDerivedTypeDecl: forall n tn t l u,
        toTypeDeclRT (DerivedTypeDecl n tn t (Range l u))
                     (DerivedTypeDeclRT n tn t (RangeRT l u))
    | toIntegerTypeDecl: forall n tn l u,
        toTypeDeclRT (IntegerTypeDecl n tn (Range l u))
                     (IntegerTypeDeclRT n tn (RangeRT l u))
    | toArrayTypeDecl: forall n tn tm t,
        toTypeDeclRT (ArrayTypeDecl n tn tm t)
                     (ArrayTypeDeclRT n tn tm t)
    | toRecordTypeDecl: forall n tn fs,
        toTypeDeclRT (RecordTypeDecl n tn fs)
                     (RecordTypeDeclRT n tn fs).

insert run-time check flags on the initialization expression for a newly declared object;
Inductive toObjDeclRT: symTab -> objDecl -> objDeclRT -> Prop :=
    | ToObjDeclNoneInit: forall st n x t,
        toObjDeclRT st (mkobjDecl n x t None)
                       (mkobjDeclRT n x t None)
    | ToObjDecl: forall st t e eRT n x,
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toObjDeclRT st (mkobjDecl n x t (Some e))
                       (mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some eRT))
    | ToObjDeclRangeCheck: forall st t e eRT n x,
        is_range_constrainted_type t = true ->
        toExpRT st e eRT ->
        toObjDeclRT st (mkobjDecl n x t (Some e))
                       (mkobjDeclRT n x t (Some (update_exterior_checks_exp eRT (RangeCheck :: nil)))).

Inductive toObjDeclsRT: symTab -> list objDecl -> list objDeclRT -> Prop :=
    | ToObjDeclsNull: forall st,
        toObjDeclsRT st nil nil
    | ToObjDecls: forall st o oRT lo loRT,
        toObjDeclRT st o oRT ->
        toObjDeclsRT st lo loRT ->
        toObjDeclsRT st (o :: lo) (oRT :: loRT).

Inductive toParamSpecRT: paramSpec -> paramSpecRT -> Prop :=
    | ToParamSpec: forall n x t m,
        toParamSpecRT (mkparamSpec n x t m)
                   (mkparamSpecRT n x t m).

Inductive toParamSpecsRT: list paramSpec -> list paramSpecRT -> Prop :=
    | ToParamSpecsNull:
        toParamSpecsRT nil nil
    | ToParamSpecs: forall param paramRT lparam lparamRT,
        toParamSpecRT param paramRT ->
        toParamSpecsRT lparam lparamRT ->
        toParamSpecsRT (param :: lparam) (paramRT :: lparamRT).


Inductive toDeclRT: symTab -> decl -> declRT -> Prop :=
    | ToNullDecl: forall st,
        toDeclRT st NullDecl NullDeclRT
    | ToTypeDecl: forall t tRT st n,
        toTypeDeclRT t tRT ->
        toDeclRT st (TypeDecl n t)
                    (TypeDeclRT n tRT)
    | ToObjectDecl: forall st o oRT n,
        toObjDeclRT st o oRT ->
        toDeclRT st (ObjDecl n o)
                    (ObjDeclRT n oRT)
    | ToProcDecl: forall st p pRT n,
        toProcBodyDeclRT st p pRT ->
        toDeclRT st (ProcBodyDecl n p)
                    (ProcBodyDeclRT n pRT)
    | ToSeqDecl: forall st d1 d1RT d2 d2RT n,
        toDeclRT st d1 d1RT ->
        toDeclRT st d2 d2RT ->
        toDeclRT st (SeqDecl n d1 d2)
                    (SeqDeclRT n d1RT d2RT)


with toProcBodyDeclRT: symTab -> procBodyDecl -> procBodyDeclRT -> Prop :=
       | ToProcBodyDecl: forall params paramsRT st decls declsRT stmt stmtRT n p,
           toParamSpecsRT params paramsRT ->
           toDeclRT st decls declsRT ->
           toStmtRT st stmt stmtRT ->
           toProcBodyDeclRT st (mkprocBodyDecl n p params decls stmt)
                               (mkprocBodyDeclRT n p paramsRT declsRT stmtRT).


Inductive toProgramRT: symTab -> program -> programRT -> Prop :=
    | ToProgramRT: forall st p declsRT,
        toDeclRT st p.(decls) declsRT ->
        toProgramRT st p (mkprogramRT declsRT p.(main)).