Zhi Zhang Department of Computer and Information Sciences Kansas State University zhangzhi@ksu.edu
Lemma extract_subtype_range_f_soundness: forall st t l u,
extract_subtype_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u).
functional induction extract_subtype_range_f st t; smack;
apply Extract_Range_RT with (td:=td) (tn:=tn); auto.
Lemma extract_subtype_range_f_completeness: forall st t l u,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_subtype_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u).
destruct H; auto;
unfold extract_subtype_range_f; smack.
extract_subtype_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u).
functional induction extract_subtype_range_f st t; smack;
apply Extract_Range_RT with (td:=td) (tn:=tn); auto.
Lemma extract_subtype_range_f_completeness: forall st t l u,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_subtype_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u).
destruct H; auto;
unfold extract_subtype_range_f; smack.
Lemma bound_of_type_f_soundness: forall st t bd,
bound_of_type_f st t = Some bd ->
bound_of_type st t bd.
functional induction bound_of_type_f st t; smack;
try constructor;
try apply Bound_Of_Composite_Type with (t1:=t0); auto;
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma bound_of_type_f_completeness: forall st t bd,
bound_of_type st t bd ->
bound_of_type_f st t = Some bd.
induction H; auto.
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
unfold bound_of_type_f.
rewrite H0.
destruct t; auto;
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
match goal with
| [H: subtype_num _ = Some _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
destruct H; smack.
bound_of_type_f st t = Some bd ->
bound_of_type st t bd.
functional induction bound_of_type_f st t; smack;
try constructor;
try apply Bound_Of_Composite_Type with (t1:=t0); auto;
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma bound_of_type_f_completeness: forall st t bd,
bound_of_type st t bd ->
bound_of_type_f st t = Some bd.
induction H; auto.
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
unfold bound_of_type_f.
rewrite H0.
destruct t; auto;
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
match goal with
| [H: subtype_num _ = Some _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
destruct H; smack.
Lemma bound_of_array_component_type_f_soundness: forall st t bd,
bound_of_array_component_type_f st t = Some bd ->
bound_of_array_component_type st t bd.
functional induction bound_of_array_component_type_f st t; smack;
apply Array_Component_Value with (n:=n) (tn:=tn) (indexSubtypeMark:=indexSubtypeMark)
(componentType:=componentType); auto;
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma bound_of_array_component_type_f_completeness: forall st t bd,
bound_of_array_component_type st t bd ->
bound_of_array_component_type_f st t = Some bd.
induction H; auto;
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H0); intro;
unfold bound_of_array_component_type_f; smack.
bound_of_array_component_type_f st t = Some bd ->
bound_of_array_component_type st t bd.
functional induction bound_of_array_component_type_f st t; smack;
apply Array_Component_Value with (n:=n) (tn:=tn) (indexSubtypeMark:=indexSubtypeMark)
(componentType:=componentType); auto;
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma bound_of_array_component_type_f_completeness: forall st t bd,
bound_of_array_component_type st t bd ->
bound_of_array_component_type_f st t = Some bd.
induction H; auto;
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H0); intro;
unfold bound_of_array_component_type_f; smack.
Lemma bound_of_record_field_type_f_soundness: forall st t f bd,
bound_of_record_field_type_f st t f = Some bd ->
bound_of_record_field_type st t f bd.
functional induction bound_of_record_field_type_f st t f; smack;
apply Record_Field_Value with (n:=n) (tn:=tn) (fields:=fields) (ft:=ft); auto;
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma bound_of_record_field_type_f_completeness: forall st t f bd,
bound_of_record_field_type st t f bd ->
bound_of_record_field_type_f st t f = Some bd.
induction H; auto;
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H1); intro;
unfold bound_of_record_field_type_f; smack.
bound_of_record_field_type_f st t f = Some bd ->
bound_of_record_field_type st t f bd.
functional induction bound_of_record_field_type_f st t f; smack;
apply Record_Field_Value with (n:=n) (tn:=tn) (fields:=fields) (ft:=ft); auto;
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma bound_of_record_field_type_f_completeness: forall st t f bd,
bound_of_record_field_type st t f bd ->
bound_of_record_field_type_f st t f = Some bd.
induction H; auto;
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H1); intro;
unfold bound_of_record_field_type_f; smack.
Lemma in_bound_f_soundness: forall v bd b,
in_bound_f v bd = Some b ->
in_bound v bd b.
functional induction in_bound_f v bd; smack;
remember ((l <=? v)%Z && (v <=? u)%Z) as b;
destruct b; constructor; auto.
Lemma in_bound_f_completeness: forall v bd b,
in_bound v bd b ->
in_bound_f v bd = Some b.
induction H; smack.
in_bound_f v bd = Some b ->
in_bound v bd b.
functional induction in_bound_f v bd; smack;
remember ((l <=? v)%Z && (v <=? u)%Z) as b;
destruct b; constructor; auto.
Lemma in_bound_f_completeness: forall v bd b,
in_bound v bd b ->
in_bound_f v bd = Some b.
induction H; smack.
Lemma sub_bound_f_soundness: forall bd1 bd2 b,
sub_bound_f bd1 bd2 = Some b ->
sub_bound bd1 bd2 b.
functional induction sub_bound_f bd1 bd2; smack.
repeat progress constructor; auto.
remember ((u' <=? u)%Z && (u <=? v')%Z) as b1; destruct b1.
right. constructor. destruct ((u' <=? v)%Z && (v <=? v')%Z); smack.
left. constructor; auto.
Lemma sub_bound_f_completeness: forall bd1 bd2 b,
sub_bound bd1 bd2 b ->
sub_bound_f bd1 bd2 = Some b.
induction H; auto;
unfold sub_bound_f.
specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H0); intro.
rewrite H1, H2; auto.
destruct H; specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
rewrite H0; auto.
unfold in_bound_f.
destruct ((u' <=? u)%Z && (u <=? v')%Z); auto.
sub_bound_f bd1 bd2 = Some b ->
sub_bound bd1 bd2 b.
functional induction sub_bound_f bd1 bd2; smack.
repeat progress constructor; auto.
remember ((u' <=? u)%Z && (u <=? v')%Z) as b1; destruct b1.
right. constructor. destruct ((u' <=? v)%Z && (v <=? v')%Z); smack.
left. constructor; auto.
Lemma sub_bound_f_completeness: forall bd1 bd2 b,
sub_bound bd1 bd2 b ->
sub_bound_f bd1 bd2 = Some b.
induction H; auto;
unfold sub_bound_f.
specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H0); intro.
rewrite H1, H2; auto.
destruct H; specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
rewrite H0; auto.
unfold in_bound_f.
destruct ((u' <=? u)%Z && (u <=? v')%Z); auto.
Lemma optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness: forall bd cks bd' cks',
optimize_overflow_check_f bd cks = Some (bd', cks') ->
optimize_overflow_check bd cks (bd', cks').
functional induction optimize_overflow_check_f bd cks;
match goal with
| [H: sub_bound_f _ _ = Some _ |- _] => specialize (sub_bound_f_soundness _ _ _ H); smack
| _ => smack
destruct bd'; inversion e;
apply OOC_True; auto.
apply OOC_False; auto.
Lemma optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness: forall bd cks bd' cks',
optimize_overflow_check bd cks (bd', cks') ->
optimize_overflow_check_f bd cks = Some (bd', cks').
induction H; auto;
specialize (sub_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optimize_overflow_check_f;
[rewrite H1 | rewrite H0]; smack.
optimize_overflow_check_f bd cks = Some (bd', cks') ->
optimize_overflow_check bd cks (bd', cks').
functional induction optimize_overflow_check_f bd cks;
match goal with
| [H: sub_bound_f _ _ = Some _ |- _] => specialize (sub_bound_f_soundness _ _ _ H); smack
| _ => smack
destruct bd'; inversion e;
apply OOC_True; auto.
apply OOC_False; auto.
Lemma optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness: forall bd cks bd' cks',
optimize_overflow_check bd cks (bd', cks') ->
optimize_overflow_check_f bd cks = Some (bd', cks').
induction H; auto;
specialize (sub_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optimize_overflow_check_f;
[rewrite H1 | rewrite H0]; smack.
Lemma optimize_range_check_f_soundness: forall e bd1 bd2 e',
optimize_range_check_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e' ->
optimize_range_check e bd1 bd2 e'.
functional induction optimize_range_check_f e bd1 bd2; smack;
specialize (sub_bound_f_soundness _ _ _ e0); intro;
destruct bd1, bd2; inversion e0;
[ apply ORC_True with (cks:=(remove_check_flag RangeCheck (exp_exterior_checks e))); auto |
apply ORC_False; auto
Lemma optimize_range_check_f_completeness: forall e bd1 bd2 e',
optimize_range_check e bd1 bd2 e' ->
optimize_range_check_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e'.
induction H; auto;
specialize (sub_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optimize_range_check_f; smack.
optimize_range_check_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e' ->
optimize_range_check e bd1 bd2 e'.
functional induction optimize_range_check_f e bd1 bd2; smack;
specialize (sub_bound_f_soundness _ _ _ e0); intro;
destruct bd1, bd2; inversion e0;
[ apply ORC_True with (cks:=(remove_check_flag RangeCheck (exp_exterior_checks e))); auto |
apply ORC_False; auto
Lemma optimize_range_check_f_completeness: forall e bd1 bd2 e',
optimize_range_check e bd1 bd2 e' ->
optimize_range_check_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e'.
induction H; auto;
specialize (sub_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optimize_range_check_f; smack.
Lemma optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_soundness: forall e bd1 bd2 e',
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e' ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e bd1 bd2 e'.
functional induction optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e bd1 bd2; smack;
specialize (sub_bound_f_soundness _ _ _ e0); intro;
destruct bd1, bd2; inversion e0;
[ apply ORCOCO_True with (cks:=(remove_check_flag RangeCheckOnReturn (exp_exterior_checks e))); auto |
apply ORCOCO_False; auto
Lemma optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_completeness: forall e bd1 bd2 e',
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e bd1 bd2 e' ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e'.
induction H; subst;
specialize (sub_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f; smack.
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e' ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e bd1 bd2 e'.
functional induction optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e bd1 bd2; smack;
specialize (sub_bound_f_soundness _ _ _ e0); intro;
destruct bd1, bd2; inversion e0;
[ apply ORCOCO_True with (cks:=(remove_check_flag RangeCheckOnReturn (exp_exterior_checks e))); auto |
apply ORCOCO_False; auto
Lemma optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_completeness: forall e bd1 bd2 e',
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out e bd1 bd2 e' ->
optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e bd1 bd2 = Some e'.
induction H; subst;
specialize (sub_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f; smack.
Lemma optimize_rtc_binop_f_soundness: forall op bd1 bd2 cks bd cks',
optimize_rtc_binop_f op bd1 bd2 cks = Some (bd, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop op bd1 bd2 cks (bd, cks').
functional induction optimize_rtc_binop_f op bd1 bd2 cks; smack.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
eapply O_RTC_Plus; smack.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
eapply O_RTC_Minus; smack.
eapply O_RTC_Multiply; auto.
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto.
eapply O_RTC_Divide_OverflowRTC; smack;
[ apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack |
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto ].
eapply O_RTC_Divide_DivisionRTC; smack.
apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack.
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto.
eapply O_RTC_Modulus; auto.
apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack.
eapply O_RTC_Modulus_DivisionRTC; auto.
apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack.
destruct op; inversion y; constructor; smack.
Lemma optimize_rtc_binop_f_completeness: forall op bd1 bd2 cks bd cks',
optimize_rtc_binop op bd1 bd2 cks (bd, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop_f op bd1 bd2 cks = Some (bd, cks').
induction H; auto;
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optimize_overflow_check _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intros; clear H
| [H: in_bound _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intros; clear H
| _ => idtac
unfold optimize_rtc_binop_f;
repeat progress match goal with
| [H1: in_bound_f _ _ = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: Math.add _ _ = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: Math.sub _ _ = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: _ = divide_min_max_f _ _ _ _ |- _] => rewrite <- H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: _ = remove_check_flag _ _ |- _] => rewrite <- H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: _ = modulus_min_max_f _ _ _ _ |- _] => rewrite <- H1; clear H1; auto
end; auto.
destruct op; smack.
optimize_rtc_binop_f op bd1 bd2 cks = Some (bd, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop op bd1 bd2 cks (bd, cks').
functional induction optimize_rtc_binop_f op bd1 bd2 cks; smack.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
eapply O_RTC_Plus; smack.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
eapply O_RTC_Minus; smack.
eapply O_RTC_Multiply; auto.
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto.
eapply O_RTC_Divide_OverflowRTC; smack;
[ apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack |
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto ].
eapply O_RTC_Divide_DivisionRTC; smack.
apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack.
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto.
eapply O_RTC_Modulus; auto.
apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack.
eapply O_RTC_Modulus_DivisionRTC; auto.
apply in_bound_f_soundness; smack.
destruct op; inversion y; constructor; smack.
Lemma optimize_rtc_binop_f_completeness: forall op bd1 bd2 cks bd cks',
optimize_rtc_binop op bd1 bd2 cks (bd, cks') ->
optimize_rtc_binop_f op bd1 bd2 cks = Some (bd, cks').
induction H; auto;
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optimize_overflow_check _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intros; clear H
| [H: in_bound _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (in_bound_f_completeness _ _ _ H); intros; clear H
| _ => idtac
unfold optimize_rtc_binop_f;
repeat progress match goal with
| [H1: in_bound_f _ _ = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: Math.add _ _ = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: Math.sub _ _ = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: _ = divide_min_max_f _ _ _ _ |- _] => rewrite <- H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: _ = remove_check_flag _ _ |- _] => rewrite <- H1; clear H1; auto
| [H1: _ = modulus_min_max_f _ _ _ _ |- _] => rewrite <- H1; clear H1; auto
end; auto.
destruct op; smack.
Lemma optimize_rtc_unop_f_soundness: forall op bd cks bd' cks',
optimize_rtc_unop_f op bd cks = Some (bd', cks') ->
optimize_rtc_unop op bd cks (bd', cks').
functional induction optimize_rtc_unop_f op bd cks; smack.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
eapply O_RTC_Unary_Minus; smack.
constructor; auto.
Lemma optimize_rtc_unop_f_completeness: forall op bd cks bd' cks',
optimize_rtc_unop op bd cks (bd', cks') ->
optimize_rtc_unop_f op bd cks = Some (bd', cks').
induction H; auto;
unfold optimize_rtc_unop_f.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H1); intros.
rewrite H, H0, H2; auto.
optimize_rtc_unop_f op bd cks = Some (bd', cks') ->
optimize_rtc_unop op bd cks (bd', cks').
functional induction optimize_rtc_unop_f op bd cks; smack.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness _ _ _ _ H); intros.
eapply O_RTC_Unary_Minus; smack.
constructor; auto.
Lemma optimize_rtc_unop_f_completeness: forall op bd cks bd' cks',
optimize_rtc_unop op bd cks (bd', cks') ->
optimize_rtc_unop_f op bd cks = Some (bd', cks').
induction H; auto;
unfold optimize_rtc_unop_f.
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H1); intros.
rewrite H, H0, H2; auto.
Lemma extract_array_index_range_f_soundness: forall st t l u,
extract_array_index_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_array_index_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u).
functional induction extract_array_index_range_f st t; smack;
econstructor; smack.
Lemma extract_array_index_range_f_completeness: forall st t l u,
extract_array_index_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_array_index_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u).
induction H; auto;
unfold extract_array_index_range_f;
rewrite H, H0, H1, H2; auto.
Lemma range_constrainted_type_true: forall st t u v,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u v) ->
is_range_constrainted_type t = true.
induction H; subst.
unfold is_range_constrainted_type.
destruct t; smack.
extract_array_index_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_array_index_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u).
functional induction extract_array_index_range_f st t; smack;
econstructor; smack.
Lemma extract_array_index_range_f_completeness: forall st t l u,
extract_array_index_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
extract_array_index_range_f st t = Some (RangeRT l u).
induction H; auto;
unfold extract_array_index_range_f;
rewrite H, H0, H1, H2; auto.
Lemma range_constrainted_type_true: forall st t u v,
extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT u v) ->
is_range_constrainted_type t = true.
induction H; subst.
unfold is_range_constrainted_type.
destruct t; smack.
Scheme expression_x_ind := Induction for expRT Sort Prop
with name_x_ind := Induction for nameRT Sort Prop.
Scheme declaration_x_ind := Induction for declRT Sort Prop
with procedure_body_x_ind := Induction for procBodyDeclRT Sort Prop.
Lemma optLiteralImpl_soundness: forall l cks lbound cks',
optLiteralImpl l cks = Some (lbound, cks') ->
optLiteral l cks (lbound, cks').
functional induction optLiteralImpl l cks; smack;
constructor; auto;
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto.
optLiteralImpl l cks = Some (lbound, cks') ->
optLiteral l cks (lbound, cks').
functional induction optLiteralImpl l cks; smack;
constructor; auto;
apply optimize_overflow_check_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma optExpImpl_soundness: forall e e' ebound st,
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound) ->
optExp st e (e', ebound).
apply (expression_x_ind
(fun e: expRT => forall (e' : expRT) (ebound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound) ->
optExp st e (e', ebound))
(fun n: nameRT => forall (n': nameRT) (nbound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound) ->
optName st n (n', nbound))
); smack.
remember (optLiteralImpl l i) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst.
destruct p; inversion H; subst.
constructor; auto.
apply optLiteralImpl_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as x.
destruct x; inversion H0; subst.
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
constructor; auto.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x1;
remember (optExpImpl st e0) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H1; subst;
destruct p; try destruct p0; inversion H1; subst.
clear H3 H4.
remember (optimize_rtc_binop_f b b0 b1 i) as y.
destruct y; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
symmetry in Heqx1, Heqx2.
specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx1); specialize (H0 _ _ _ Heqx2).
eapply O_BinOp; smack.
apply optimize_rtc_binop_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x.
destruct x; inversion H0; subst.
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
clear H2 H3.
remember (optimize_rtc_unop_f u b i) as y.
destruct y; inversion H0; subst.
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx. specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx).
eapply O_UnOp; smack.
apply optimize_rtc_unop_f_soundness; auto.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a st) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst.
remember (bound_of_type_f st t) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
eapply O_Identifier; smack.
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as x1;
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H1; subst;
destruct p; try destruct p0; inversion H1; subst.
clear H3 H4.
destruct b0; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
destruct t; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (extract_array_index_range_f st t) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e1 (Interval l u) (Interval l0 u0)) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (bound_of_array_component_type_f st t) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst.
symmetry in Heqx1, Heqx2.
specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx1); specialize (H0 _ _ _ Heqx2).
apply O_IndexedComponent with (xBound:=b) (u:=l) (v:=u) (u':=l0) (v':=u0) (e':=e1) (t:=t); auto.
apply extract_array_index_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply bound_of_array_component_type_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as x1;
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H0; subst;
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
clear H2 H3.
destruct t; inversion H0; subst. clear H2.
remember (bound_of_record_field_type_f st t i) as y.
destruct y; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx1; specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx1).
eapply O_SelectedComponent; smack.
apply bound_of_record_field_type_f_soundness; auto.
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound) ->
optExp st e (e', ebound).
apply (expression_x_ind
(fun e: expRT => forall (e' : expRT) (ebound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound) ->
optExp st e (e', ebound))
(fun n: nameRT => forall (n': nameRT) (nbound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound) ->
optName st n (n', nbound))
); smack.
remember (optLiteralImpl l i) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst.
destruct p; inversion H; subst.
constructor; auto.
apply optLiteralImpl_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as x.
destruct x; inversion H0; subst.
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
constructor; auto.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x1;
remember (optExpImpl st e0) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H1; subst;
destruct p; try destruct p0; inversion H1; subst.
clear H3 H4.
remember (optimize_rtc_binop_f b b0 b1 i) as y.
destruct y; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
symmetry in Heqx1, Heqx2.
specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx1); specialize (H0 _ _ _ Heqx2).
eapply O_BinOp; smack.
apply optimize_rtc_binop_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x.
destruct x; inversion H0; subst.
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
clear H2 H3.
remember (optimize_rtc_unop_f u b i) as y.
destruct y; inversion H0; subst.
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx. specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx).
eapply O_UnOp; smack.
apply optimize_rtc_unop_f_soundness; auto.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a st) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst.
remember (bound_of_type_f st t) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
eapply O_Identifier; smack.
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as x1;
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H1; subst;
destruct p; try destruct p0; inversion H1; subst.
clear H3 H4.
destruct b0; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
destruct t; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (extract_array_index_range_f st t) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e1 (Interval l u) (Interval l0 u0)) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst. clear H3.
remember (bound_of_array_component_type_f st t) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst.
symmetry in Heqx1, Heqx2.
specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx1); specialize (H0 _ _ _ Heqx2).
apply O_IndexedComponent with (xBound:=b) (u:=l) (v:=u) (u':=l0) (v':=u0) (e':=e1) (t:=t); auto.
apply extract_array_index_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply bound_of_array_component_type_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as x1;
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H0; subst;
destruct p; inversion H0; subst.
clear H2 H3.
destruct t; inversion H0; subst. clear H2.
remember (bound_of_record_field_type_f st t i) as y.
destruct y; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx1; specialize (H _ _ _ Heqx1).
eapply O_SelectedComponent; smack.
apply bound_of_record_field_type_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma optNameImpl_soundness: forall st n n' nbound,
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound) ->
optName st n (n', nbound).
intros st n.
induction n; smack.
- remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a st) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (bound_of_type_f st t) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
apply O_Identifier with (t:=t); auto.
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
- remember (optNameImpl st n) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct p; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct p; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct b0; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as z.
destruct z; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct t; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (extract_array_index_range_f st t) as z1.
destruct z1; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct r; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e1 (Interval l u) (Interval l0 u0)) as z2.
destruct z2; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (bound_of_array_component_type_f st t) as z3.
destruct z3; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHn n0 b); smack.
apply O_IndexedComponent with (xBound:=b) (e':=e1) (u:=l) (v:=u) (t:=t) (u':=l0) (v':=u0); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
apply extract_array_index_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply bound_of_array_component_type_f_soundness; auto.
- remember (optNameImpl st n) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct p; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct t; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (bound_of_record_field_type_f st t i) as z.
destruct z; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHn n0 b); smack.
apply O_SelectedComponent with (xBound:=b) (t:=t); auto.
apply bound_of_record_field_type_f_soundness; auto.
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound) ->
optName st n (n', nbound).
intros st n.
induction n; smack.
- remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a st) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (bound_of_type_f st t) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
apply O_Identifier with (t:=t); auto.
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
- remember (optNameImpl st n) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct p; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct p; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct b0; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as z.
destruct z; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct t; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (extract_array_index_range_f st t) as z1.
destruct z1; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct r; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e1 (Interval l u) (Interval l0 u0)) as z2.
destruct z2; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (bound_of_array_component_type_f st t) as z3.
destruct z3; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHn n0 b); smack.
apply O_IndexedComponent with (xBound:=b) (e':=e1) (u:=l) (v:=u) (t:=t) (u':=l0) (v':=u0); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
apply extract_array_index_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply bound_of_array_component_type_f_soundness; auto.
- remember (optNameImpl st n) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct p; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
destruct t; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (bound_of_record_field_type_f st t i) as z.
destruct z; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHn n0 b); smack.
apply O_SelectedComponent with (xBound:=b) (t:=t); auto.
apply bound_of_record_field_type_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma optArgsImpl_soundness: forall st params args args',
optArgsImpl st params args = Some args' ->
optArgs st params args args'.
induction params; intros.
- destruct args; smack.
- destruct args;
inversion H; subst.
remember (optArgsImpl st params args) as x1.
remember (parameter_mode_rt a) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
+ remember (is_range_constrainted_type (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct p; destruct b; inversion H1; subst.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e0 (Interval l1 u0) (Interval l0 u)) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_In_RangeCheck with (u:=l0) (v:=u) (arg':=e0) (u':=l1) (v':=u0); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_In with (argBound:=b); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
+ destruct e; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a0 st) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type t) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (bound_of_type_f st (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct b; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st t) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y5.
destruct y5; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f (NameRT a0 n0) (Interval l0 u) (Interval l1 u0)) as y6.
destruct y6; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_Out_RangeCheck with (u:=l0) (v:=u) (t:=t) (u':=l1) (v':=u0) (n':=n0) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_Out with (t:=t) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
+ destruct e; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a0 st) as x1.
destruct x1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type t) as x2.
destruct x2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st t) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct b; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optimize_range_check_f (NameRT a0 n0) (Interval l2 u1) (Interval l0 u)) as y5.
destruct y5; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e (Interval l0 u) (Interval l1 u0)) as y6.
destruct y6; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_InOut_In_RangeCheck with (u:=l0) (v:=u) (t:=t) (u':=l1) (v':=u0) (n':=n0)
(v1:=l2) (v2:=u1) (arg:=e); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto. simpl.
rewrite <- Heqy4; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y7.
destruct y7; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_InOut with (t:=t) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_InOut with (t:=t) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
optArgsImpl st params args = Some args' ->
optArgs st params args args'.
induction params; intros.
- destruct args; smack.
- destruct args;
inversion H; subst.
remember (optArgsImpl st params args) as x1.
remember (parameter_mode_rt a) as x2.
destruct x1, x2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
+ remember (is_range_constrainted_type (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct p; destruct b; inversion H1; subst.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e0 (Interval l1 u0) (Interval l0 u)) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_In_RangeCheck with (u:=l0) (v:=u) (arg':=e0) (u':=l1) (v':=u0); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_In with (argBound:=b); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
+ destruct e; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a0 st) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type t) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (bound_of_type_f st (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct b; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st t) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y5.
destruct y5; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f (NameRT a0 n0) (Interval l0 u) (Interval l1 u0)) as y6.
destruct y6; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_Out_RangeCheck with (u:=l0) (v:=u) (t:=t) (u':=l1) (v':=u0) (n':=n0) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply bound_of_type_f_soundness; auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_Out with (t:=t) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
+ destruct e; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt a0 st) as x1.
destruct x1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type t) as x2.
destruct x2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st (parameter_subtype_mark_rt a)) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; clear H2.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st t) as y3.
destruct y3; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct r; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
destruct b; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optimize_range_check_f (NameRT a0 n0) (Interval l2 u1) (Interval l0 u)) as y5.
destruct y5; inversion H1; subst; clear H2.
remember (optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f e (Interval l0 u) (Interval l1 u0)) as y6.
destruct y6; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_InOut_In_RangeCheck with (u:=l0) (v:=u) (t:=t) (u':=l1) (v':=u0) (n':=n0)
(v1:=l2) (v2:=u1) (arg:=e); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto. simpl.
rewrite <- Heqy4; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y7.
destruct y7; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_InOut with (t:=t) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
remember (optNameImpl st n) as y1.
destruct y1; inversion H1; subst.
destruct p; inversion H1; subst.
apply O_Args_Mode_InOut with (t:=t) (nBound:=b); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
Lemma optStmtImpl_soundness: forall st c c',
optStmtImpl st c = Some c' ->
optStmt st c c'.
induction c; intros;
simpl in H; auto.
- inversion H; subst;
- remember (optNameImpl st n) as x1.
destruct x1; [ | inversion H]; subst. destruct p.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x2.
destruct x2; [ | inversion H]; subst. destruct p.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as y1.
destruct y1; [ | inversion H]; subst.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type t) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H; subst.
clear H1.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st t) as y3.
destruct y3; [ | inversion H]; subst. destruct r.
destruct b0; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e0 (Interval l0 u0) (Interval l u)) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H; subst.
apply O_Assign_RangeCheck with (t:=t) (u:=l) (v:=u) (xBound:=b)
(e':=e0) (u':=l0) (v':=u0); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply O_Assign with (t:=t) (xBound:=b) (eBound:=b0); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optExpImpl st e) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
destruct p.
remember (optStmtImpl st c1) as y.
destruct y; [ | inversion H]; subst.
remember (optStmtImpl st c2) as z.
destruct z; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHc1 s); specialize (IHc2 s0); smack.
apply O_If with (eBound:=b); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optExpImpl st e) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
destruct p.
remember (optStmtImpl st c) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHc s); smack.
apply O_While with (eBound:=b); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (fetch_proc_rt p st) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
destruct t.
remember (optArgsImpl st (procedure_parameter_profile_rt p0) l) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
apply O_Call with (n0:=l0) (pb:=p0); auto.
apply optArgsImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optStmtImpl st c1) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
remember (optStmtImpl st c2) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHc1 s); specialize (IHc2 s0); smack.
apply O_Seq; auto.
optStmtImpl st c = Some c' ->
optStmt st c c'.
induction c; intros;
simpl in H; auto.
- inversion H; subst;
- remember (optNameImpl st n) as x1.
destruct x1; [ | inversion H]; subst. destruct p.
remember (optExpImpl st e) as x2.
destruct x2; [ | inversion H]; subst. destruct p.
remember (fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n) st) as y1.
destruct y1; [ | inversion H]; subst.
remember (is_range_constrainted_type t) as y2.
destruct y2; inversion H; subst.
clear H1.
remember (extract_subtype_range_f st t) as y3.
destruct y3; [ | inversion H]; subst. destruct r.
destruct b0; inversion H; subst. clear H1.
remember (optimize_range_check_f e0 (Interval l0 u0) (Interval l u)) as y4.
destruct y4; inversion H; subst.
apply O_Assign_RangeCheck with (t:=t) (u:=l) (v:=u) (xBound:=b)
(e':=e0) (u':=l0) (v':=u0); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
apply O_Assign with (t:=t) (xBound:=b) (eBound:=b0); auto.
apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optExpImpl st e) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
destruct p.
remember (optStmtImpl st c1) as y.
destruct y; [ | inversion H]; subst.
remember (optStmtImpl st c2) as z.
destruct z; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHc1 s); specialize (IHc2 s0); smack.
apply O_If with (eBound:=b); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optExpImpl st e) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
destruct p.
remember (optStmtImpl st c) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHc s); smack.
apply O_While with (eBound:=b); auto.
apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (fetch_proc_rt p st) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
destruct t.
remember (optArgsImpl st (procedure_parameter_profile_rt p0) l) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
apply O_Call with (n0:=l0) (pb:=p0); auto.
apply optArgsImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optStmtImpl st c1) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H]; subst.
remember (optStmtImpl st c2) as y.
destruct y; inversion H; subst.
specialize (IHc1 s); specialize (IHc2 s0); smack.
apply O_Seq; auto.
Lemma optObjDeclImpl_soundness: forall st o o',
optObjDeclImpl st o = Some o' ->
optObjDecl st o o'.
functional induction optObjDeclImpl st o;
inversion H; subst;
match goal with
| [H: optExpImpl _ _ = _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_soundness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
apply O_ObjDecl_NoRangeCheck with (eBound:=eBound); auto.
apply O_ObjDecl_RangeCheck with (u:=u) (v:=v) (e':=e') (u':=u') (v':=v'); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
optObjDeclImpl st o = Some o' ->
optObjDecl st o o'.
functional induction optObjDeclImpl st o;
inversion H; subst;
match goal with
| [H: optExpImpl _ _ = _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_soundness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
apply O_ObjDecl_NoRangeCheck with (eBound:=eBound); auto.
apply O_ObjDecl_RangeCheck with (u:=u) (v:=v) (e':=e') (u':=u') (v':=v'); auto.
apply extract_subtype_range_f_soundness; auto.
apply optimize_range_check_f_soundness; auto.
Lemma optDeclImpl_soundness: forall d d' st,
optDeclImpl st d = Some d' ->
optDecl st d d'.
apply (declaration_x_ind
(fun d: declRT => forall (d' : declRT) (st: symTabRT),
optDeclImpl st d = Some d' ->
optDecl st d d')
(fun p: procBodyDeclRT => forall (p': procBodyDeclRT) (st: symTabRT),
optProcBodyDeclImpl st p = Some p' ->
optProcBodyDecl st p p')
); smack;
try (constructor; auto).
- remember (optObjDeclImpl st o) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst.
apply O_ObjDecl.
apply optObjDeclImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optProcBodyDeclImpl st p) as x.
destruct x; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx.
specialize (H _ _ Heqx).
apply O_ProcBody; auto.
- remember (optDeclImpl st d) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H1]; subst.
remember (optDeclImpl st d0) as y.
destruct y; inversion H1; subst.
symmetry in Heqx, Heqy.
specialize (H _ _ Heqx); specialize (H0 _ _ Heqy).
apply O_SeqDecl; auto.
- remember (optDeclImpl st procedure_declarative_part_rt) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H0]; subst.
remember (optStmtImpl st procedure_statements_rt) as y.
destruct y; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx; specialize (H _ _ Heqx).
apply O_ProcBodyDecl; auto.
apply optStmtImpl_soundness; auto.
optDeclImpl st d = Some d' ->
optDecl st d d'.
apply (declaration_x_ind
(fun d: declRT => forall (d' : declRT) (st: symTabRT),
optDeclImpl st d = Some d' ->
optDecl st d d')
(fun p: procBodyDeclRT => forall (p': procBodyDeclRT) (st: symTabRT),
optProcBodyDeclImpl st p = Some p' ->
optProcBodyDecl st p p')
); smack;
try (constructor; auto).
- remember (optObjDeclImpl st o) as x.
destruct x; inversion H; subst.
apply O_ObjDecl.
apply optObjDeclImpl_soundness; auto.
- remember (optProcBodyDeclImpl st p) as x.
destruct x; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx.
specialize (H _ _ Heqx).
apply O_ProcBody; auto.
- remember (optDeclImpl st d) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H1]; subst.
remember (optDeclImpl st d0) as y.
destruct y; inversion H1; subst.
symmetry in Heqx, Heqy.
specialize (H _ _ Heqx); specialize (H0 _ _ Heqy).
apply O_SeqDecl; auto.
- remember (optDeclImpl st procedure_declarative_part_rt) as x.
destruct x; [ | inversion H0]; subst.
remember (optStmtImpl st procedure_statements_rt) as y.
destruct y; inversion H0; subst.
symmetry in Heqx; specialize (H _ _ Heqx).
apply O_ProcBodyDecl; auto.
apply optStmtImpl_soundness; auto.
Lemma optProgramImpl_soundness: forall p p' st,
optProgramImpl st p = Some p' ->
optProgram st p p'.
destruct p, p'.
unfold optProgramImpl in H;
inversion H; subst; clear H.
remember (optDeclImpl st declsRT) as x.
destruct x; inversion H1; subst.
apply optDeclImpl_soundness; auto.
optProgramImpl st p = Some p' ->
optProgram st p p'.
destruct p, p'.
unfold optProgramImpl in H;
inversion H; subst; clear H.
remember (optDeclImpl st declsRT) as x.
destruct x; inversion H1; subst.
apply optDeclImpl_soundness; auto.
Lemma optLiteralImpl_completeness: forall l cks lbound cks',
optLiteral l cks (lbound, cks') ->
optLiteralImpl l cks = Some (lbound, cks').
induction H; auto;
specialize (optimize_overflow_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intro;
unfold optLiteralImpl;
rewrite H0; auto.
Lemma optExpImpl_completeness: forall e e' ebound st,
optExp st e (e', ebound) ->
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound).
apply (expression_x_ind
(fun e: expRT => forall (e' : expRT) (ebound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optExp st e (e', ebound) ->
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound))
(fun n: nameRT => forall (n': nameRT) (nbound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optName st n (n', nbound) ->
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound))
); intros; simpl.
remember (LiteralRT a l i e) as x.
inversion H; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = LiteralRT _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (optLiteralImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H3); intro HZ;
rewrite HZ; auto.
remember (NameRT a n) as x.
inversion H0; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = NameRT _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H4);
rewrite H; auto.
remember (BinOpRT a b e e0 i e1) as x.
inversion H1; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = BinOpRT _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H4);
specialize (H0 _ _ _ H7).
specialize (optimize_rtc_binop_f_completeness _ _ _ _ _ _ H8); intro HZ.
rewrite H, H0; auto.
rewrite HZ; auto.
remember (UnOpRT a u e i e0) as x.
inversion H0; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = UnOpRT _ _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H5).
specialize (optimize_rtc_unop_f_completeness _ _ _ _ _ H6); intro HZ.
rewrite H, HZ; auto.
remember (IdentifierRT a i e) as x.
inversion H; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = IdentifierRT _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H5); intro HZ;
rewrite H4, HZ; auto.
remember (IndexedComponentRT a n e e0) as x.
inversion H1; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = IndexedComponentRT _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H4).
specialize (H0 _ _ _ H5).
rewrite H, H0, H6; auto.
specialize (extract_array_index_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H7); intro HZ1.
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H10); intro HZ2.
specialize (bound_of_array_component_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H11); intro HZ3.
rewrite HZ1, HZ2, HZ3; auto.
remember (SelectedComponentRT a n i e) as x.
inversion H0; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = SelectedComponentRT _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H3).
rewrite H, H6; auto.
specialize (bound_of_record_field_type_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H7); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
optExp st e (e', ebound) ->
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound).
apply (expression_x_ind
(fun e: expRT => forall (e' : expRT) (ebound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optExp st e (e', ebound) ->
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound))
(fun n: nameRT => forall (n': nameRT) (nbound: bound) (st: symTabRT),
optName st n (n', nbound) ->
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound))
); intros; simpl.
remember (LiteralRT a l i e) as x.
inversion H; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = LiteralRT _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (optLiteralImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H3); intro HZ;
rewrite HZ; auto.
remember (NameRT a n) as x.
inversion H0; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = NameRT _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H4);
rewrite H; auto.
remember (BinOpRT a b e e0 i e1) as x.
inversion H1; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = BinOpRT _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H4);
specialize (H0 _ _ _ H7).
specialize (optimize_rtc_binop_f_completeness _ _ _ _ _ _ H8); intro HZ.
rewrite H, H0; auto.
rewrite HZ; auto.
remember (UnOpRT a u e i e0) as x.
inversion H0; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = UnOpRT _ _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H5).
specialize (optimize_rtc_unop_f_completeness _ _ _ _ _ H6); intro HZ.
rewrite H, HZ; auto.
remember (IdentifierRT a i e) as x.
inversion H; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = IdentifierRT _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H5); intro HZ;
rewrite H4, HZ; auto.
remember (IndexedComponentRT a n e e0) as x.
inversion H1; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = IndexedComponentRT _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H4).
specialize (H0 _ _ _ H5).
rewrite H, H0, H6; auto.
specialize (extract_array_index_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H7); intro HZ1.
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H10); intro HZ2.
specialize (bound_of_array_component_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H11); intro HZ3.
rewrite HZ1, HZ2, HZ3; auto.
remember (SelectedComponentRT a n i e) as x.
inversion H0; subst;
match goal with
| [H: _ = SelectedComponentRT _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
specialize (H _ _ _ H3).
rewrite H, H6; auto.
specialize (bound_of_record_field_type_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H7); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
Lemma optNameImpl_completeness: forall n n' nbound st,
optName st n (n', nbound) ->
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound).
induction H; auto; simpl.
- rewrite H; auto.
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H0); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
- rewrite IHoptName; auto.
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H0); intro HZ1.
rewrite HZ1; auto. rewrite H1; auto.
specialize (extract_array_index_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H2); intro HZ2.
rewrite HZ2; auto.
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H3); intro HZ3.
rewrite HZ3; auto.
specialize (bound_of_array_component_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H4); intro HZ4.
rewrite HZ4; auto.
- rewrite IHoptName, H0; auto.
specialize (bound_of_record_field_type_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H1); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
optName st n (n', nbound) ->
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound).
induction H; auto; simpl.
- rewrite H; auto.
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H0); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
- rewrite IHoptName; auto.
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H0); intro HZ1.
rewrite HZ1; auto. rewrite H1; auto.
specialize (extract_array_index_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H2); intro HZ2.
rewrite HZ2; auto.
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H3); intro HZ3.
rewrite HZ3; auto.
specialize (bound_of_array_component_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H4); intro HZ4.
rewrite HZ4; auto.
- rewrite IHoptName, H0; auto.
specialize (bound_of_record_field_type_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H1); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
Lemma optArgsImpl_completeness: forall st params args args',
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgsImpl st params args = Some args'.
induction params; intros;
match goal with
| [H: optArgs _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl; auto
match goal with
| [H: optName _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optNameImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intro HZ
| [H: optExp _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intro HZ
match goal with
| [H1: forall args args' : list expRT,
optArgs ?st ?params args args' ->
optArgsImpl ?st ?params args = Some args',
H2: optArgs ?st ?params _ _ |- _] => specialize (H1 _ _ H2)
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| [H: optArgsImpl ?st ?params ?args0 = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H; simpl; auto
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optimize_range_check _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: bound_of_type ?st _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optimize_range_check_on_copy_out _ _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
end; smack.
destruct (is_range_constrainted_type t); auto.
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H3); intro HZ4.
rewrite HZ4; auto.
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H3); intros HZ5.
optArgs st params args args' ->
optArgsImpl st params args = Some args'.
induction params; intros;
match goal with
| [H: optArgs _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl; auto
match goal with
| [H: optName _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optNameImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intro HZ
| [H: optExp _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); intro HZ
match goal with
| [H1: forall args args' : list expRT,
optArgs ?st ?params args args' ->
optArgsImpl ?st ?params args = Some args',
H2: optArgs ?st ?params _ _ |- _] => specialize (H1 _ _ H2)
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| [H: optArgsImpl ?st ?params ?args0 = Some _ |- _] => rewrite H; simpl; auto
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optimize_range_check _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: bound_of_type ?st _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optimize_range_check_on_copy_out _ _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_on_copy_out_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
end; smack.
destruct (is_range_constrainted_type t); auto.
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H3); intro HZ4.
rewrite HZ4; auto.
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H3); intros HZ5.
Lemma optStmtImpl_completeness: forall st c c',
optStmt st c c' ->
optStmtImpl st c = Some c'.
induction c; intros;
match goal with
| [H: optStmt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; auto
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optName _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optNameImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optExp _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optArgs _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optArgsImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optimize_range_check _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: bound_of_type ?st _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H1 : forall c' : stmtRT,
optStmt ?st ?c c' ->
optStmtImpl ?st ?c = Some c',
H2: optStmt ?st ?c _ |- _] => specialize (H1 _ H2)
| _ => idtac
end; smack.
optStmt st c c' ->
optStmtImpl st c = Some c'.
induction c; intros;
match goal with
| [H: optStmt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; auto
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optName _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optNameImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optExp _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optArgs _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optArgsImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optimize_range_check _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: bound_of_type ?st _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (bound_of_type_f_completeness _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H1 : forall c' : stmtRT,
optStmt ?st ?c c' ->
optStmtImpl ?st ?c = Some c',
H2: optStmt ?st ?c _ |- _] => specialize (H1 _ H2)
| _ => idtac
end; smack.
Lemma optObjDeclImpl_completeness: forall st o o',
optObjDecl st o o' ->
optObjDeclImpl st o = Some o'.
induction H; smack;
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optExp _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optimize_range_check _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
end; smack.
optObjDecl st o o' ->
optObjDeclImpl st o = Some o'.
induction H; smack;
match goal with
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
repeat progress match goal with
| [H: optExp _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optExpImpl_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: optimize_range_check _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optimize_range_check_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (extract_subtype_range_f_completeness _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ
| _ => idtac
end; smack.
Lemma optDeclImpl_completeness: forall d d' st,
optDecl st d d' ->
optDeclImpl st d = Some d'.
apply (declaration_x_ind
(fun d: declRT => forall (d' : declRT) (st: symTabRT),
optDecl st d d' ->
optDeclImpl st d = Some d')
(fun p: procBodyDeclRT => forall (p': procBodyDeclRT) (st: symTabRT),
optProcBodyDecl st p p' ->
optProcBodyDeclImpl st p = Some p')
); smack;
match goal with
| [H: optDecl _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; smack
| [H: optProcBodyDecl _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; smack
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| [H: optObjDecl _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optObjDeclImpl_completeness _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ; try rewrite HZ; auto
| _ => idtac
specialize (H _ _ H5); rewrite H; auto.
specialize (H _ _ H7); specialize (H0 _ _ H8);
rewrite H, H0; auto.
specialize (H _ _ H8).
rewrite H; auto.
specialize (optStmtImpl_completeness _ _ _ H9); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
optDecl st d d' ->
optDeclImpl st d = Some d'.
apply (declaration_x_ind
(fun d: declRT => forall (d' : declRT) (st: symTabRT),
optDecl st d d' ->
optDeclImpl st d = Some d')
(fun p: procBodyDeclRT => forall (p': procBodyDeclRT) (st: symTabRT),
optProcBodyDecl st p p' ->
optProcBodyDeclImpl st p = Some p')
); smack;
match goal with
| [H: optDecl _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; smack
| [H: optProcBodyDecl _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; smack
| _ => idtac
match goal with
| [H: optObjDecl _ _ _ |- _] =>
specialize (optObjDeclImpl_completeness _ _ _ H);
let HZ := fresh HZ in intro HZ; try rewrite HZ; auto
| _ => idtac
specialize (H _ _ H5); rewrite H; auto.
specialize (H _ _ H7); specialize (H0 _ _ H8);
rewrite H, H0; auto.
specialize (H _ _ H8).
rewrite H; auto.
specialize (optStmtImpl_completeness _ _ _ H9); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
Lemma optProgramImpl_completeness: forall p p' st,
optProgram st p p' ->
optProgramImpl st p = Some p'.
destruct p, p'.
inversion H; subst; clear H; simpl in H3.
unfold optProgramImpl; simpl.
specialize (optDeclImpl_completeness _ _ _ H3); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
optProgram st p p' ->
optProgramImpl st p = Some p'.
destruct p, p'.
inversion H; subst; clear H; simpl in H3.
unfold optProgramImpl; simpl.
specialize (optDeclImpl_completeness _ _ _ H3); intro HZ.
rewrite HZ; auto.
Lemma optExpImplConsistent: forall e e' ebound st,
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound) <-> optExp st e (e', ebound).
split; intro;
[apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optExpImpl_completeness; auto
optExpImpl st e = Some (e', ebound) <-> optExp st e (e', ebound).
split; intro;
[apply optExpImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optExpImpl_completeness; auto
Lemma optNameImplConsistent: forall st n n' nbound,
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound) <-> optName st n (n', nbound).
split; intro;
[apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optNameImpl_completeness; auto
optNameImpl st n = Some (n', nbound) <-> optName st n (n', nbound).
split; intro;
[apply optNameImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optNameImpl_completeness; auto
Lemma optStmtImplConsistent: forall st c c',
optStmtImpl st c = Some c' <-> optStmt st c c'.
split; intro;
[apply optStmtImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optStmtImpl_completeness; auto
optStmtImpl st c = Some c' <-> optStmt st c c'.
split; intro;
[apply optStmtImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optStmtImpl_completeness; auto
Lemma optDeclImplConsistent: forall d d' st,
optDeclImpl st d = Some d' <-> optDecl st d d'.
split; intro;
[apply optDeclImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optDeclImpl_completeness; auto
optDeclImpl st d = Some d' <-> optDecl st d d'.
split; intro;
[apply optDeclImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optDeclImpl_completeness; auto
Lemma optProgramImplConsistent: forall p p' st,
optProgramImpl st p = Some p' <-> optProgram st p p'.
split; intro;
[apply optProgramImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optProgramImpl_completeness; auto
optProgramImpl st p = Some p' <-> optProgram st p p'.
split; intro;
[apply optProgramImpl_soundness; auto |
apply optProgramImpl_completeness; auto