
Zhi Zhang
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Kansas State University

Require Export rt_gen.
Require Export rt_gen_util.
Require Export rt_opt_util.
Require Export well_typed.

Import STACK.

Helper Lemmas

Lemma fetchG_split: forall s1 s2 x v,
  fetchG x (s1 ++ s2) = Some v ->
    fetchG x s1 = Some v \/ fetchG x s2 = Some v.
  induction s1; smack.
  destruct (fetch x a); smack.

Ltac apply_fetchG_split :=
  match goal with
  | [H: fetchG ?x (?s1 ++ ?s2) = Some _ |- _] =>
      specialize (fetchG_split _ _ _ _ H);
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ1; destruct HZ1 as [HZ1 | HZ2]

Lemma range_constrainted_type_true: forall st x u v,
  extract_subtype_range_rt st x (RangeRT u v) ->
    is_range_constrainted_type x = true.
  inversion H; subst;
  destruct x; smack.

Lemma well_typed_exp_preserve: forall e st cks,
  well_typed_exp_x st (update_exterior_checks_exp e cks) ->
    well_typed_exp_x st e.
  apply (expression_x_ind
    (fun e: expRT =>
       forall (st : symTabRT) (cks : exterior_checks),
       well_typed_exp_x st (update_exterior_checks_exp e cks) ->
       well_typed_exp_x st e)
    (fun n: nameRT =>
       forall (st : symTabRT) (cks : exterior_checks),
       well_typed_name_x st (update_exterior_checks_name n cks) ->
       well_typed_name_x st n)
    ); intros.
- inversion H; subst; simpl in H;
  constructor; smack.
- inversion H0; subst.
  specialize (H _ _ H5); constructor; auto.
  inversion H; subst; simpl in *; smack.
- simpl in H1.
  inversion H1; subst.
  rewrite <- (exp_exterior_checks_refl e) in H9.
  rewrite <- (exp_exterior_checks_refl e0) in H10.
  specialize (H _ _ H9).
  specialize (H0 _ _ H10).
  apply WT_Binary_Exp_X with (t := t) (t1 := t1) (t2 := t2); auto.
- simpl in H0.
  inversion H0; subst.
  rewrite <- (exp_exterior_checks_refl e) in H6.
  specialize (H _ _ H6).
  apply WT_Unary_Exp_X with (t := t) (t' := t'); auto.
- simpl in H.
  inversion H; subst.
  apply WT_Identifier_X with (md := md) (t := t); auto.
- inversion H1; subst.
  rewrite <- (name_exterior_checks_refl n) in H6.
  rewrite <- (exp_exterior_checks_refl e) in H8.
  specialize (H _ _ H6).
  specialize (H0 _ _ H8).
  apply WT_Indexed_Component_X with (t := t) (t' := t') (a_ast_num := a_ast_num) (tn := tn) (tm := tm); auto.
- simpl in H0.
  inversion H0; subst.
  rewrite <- (name_exterior_checks_refl n) in H5.
  specialize (H _ _ H5).
  apply WT_Selected_Component_X with (t := t) (t' := t') (r_ast_num := r_ast_num)
                                     (tn := tn) (fields := fields); auto.

Ltac apply_well_typed_exp_preserve :=
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_exp_x ?st (update_exterior_checks_exp ?e ?cks) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_exp_preserve _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ

Lemma well_typed_name_preserve: forall n st cks,
  well_typed_name_x st (update_exterior_checks_name n cks) ->
    well_typed_name_x st n.
  induction n; intros;
  inversion H; subst.
- apply WT_Identifier_X with (md := md) (t := t); auto.
- apply WT_Indexed_Component_X with (t := t) (t' := t') (a_ast_num := a_ast_num) (tn := tn) (tm := tm); auto.
- apply WT_Selected_Component_X with (t := t) (t' := t') (r_ast_num := r_ast_num)
                                     (tn := tn) (fields := fields); auto.

Ltac apply_well_typed_name_preserve :=
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_name_x _ (update_exterior_checks_name _ _) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_name_preserve _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ

Lemma well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value: forall st f x m t,
  well_typed_store st (snd f) ->
    fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
      well_typed_store st (snd (push f x Undefined)).
  inversion H; subst.
  constructor; smack.
  remember (beq_nat x0 x) as b.
  destruct b; smack.
  rewrite (beq_nat_eq _ _ Heqb).
  exists m, t; smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_store ?st _,
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_store_stack_merge: forall st f s,
  well_typed_store st (snd f) ->
    well_typed_stack st s ->
      well_typed_stack st (f :: s).
  constructor; smack.
- remember (fetch x f) as b.
  destruct b; smack.
  inversion H; smack.
  inversion H0; smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_stack_merge :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_store ?st _,
     H2: well_typed_stack ?st _ |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_stack_merge _ _ _ H1 H2); let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_stacks_merge: forall st s1 s2,
  well_typed_stack st s1 ->
    well_typed_stack st s2 ->
      well_typed_stack st (s1 ++ s2).
  constructor; smack.
- apply_fetchG_split.
  inversion H; smack.
  inversion H0; smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_stacks_merge :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_stack ?st ?s1,
     H2: well_typed_stack ?st ?s2 |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_stacks_merge _ _ _ H1 H2); let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

well-typed store and stack lemmas

Lemma well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value': forall st f x m t,
  well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f) ->
    fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
      well_typed_value_in_store st (snd (push f x Undefined)).
  constructor; smack.
  exists m, t; smack; constructor.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value' :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value_in_store ?st _,
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value' _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_store_stack_merge': forall st f s,
  well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f) ->
    well_typed_value_in_stack st s ->
      well_typed_value_in_stack st (f :: s).
  constructor; smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_stack_merge' :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value_in_store ?st _,
     H2: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st _ |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_stack_merge' _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_store_merge': forall st s1 s2,
  well_typed_value_in_store st s1 ->
    well_typed_value_in_store st s2 ->
      well_typed_value_in_store st (s1 ++ s2).
  intros st s1;
  induction s1; smack.
  inversion H; subst.
  specialize (IHs1 _ H6 H0).
  constructor; smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_merge' :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value_in_store ?st ?s1,
     H2: well_typed_value_in_store ?st ?s2 |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_merge' _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_stacks_merge': forall st s1 s2,
  well_typed_value_in_stack st s1 ->
    well_typed_value_in_stack st s2 ->
      well_typed_value_in_stack st (s1 ++ s2).
  intros st s1; revert st;
  induction s1; smack;
  inversion H; subst;
  specialize (IHs1 _ _ H5 H0);
  constructor; auto.

Ltac apply_well_typed_stacks_merge' :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st ?s1,
     H2: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st ?s2 |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_stacks_merge' _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_store_stack_split': forall st f s,
  well_typed_value_in_stack st (f :: s) ->
    well_typed_value_in_stack st s /\ well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f).
  inversion H; auto.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_stack_split' :=
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st (?f :: ?s) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_stack_split' _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in
      intros HZ; destruct HZ as [HZ1 HZ2]

Lemma well_typed_store_split': forall st s1 s2,
  well_typed_value_in_store st (s1 ++ s2) ->
    well_typed_value_in_store st s1 /\ well_typed_value_in_store st s2.
  intros st s1;
  induction s1; smack;
  match goal with
  | [ |- well_typed_value_in_store _ nil] => constructor
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_store _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; specialize (IHs1 _ H5); smack
  constructor; smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_store_split' :=
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_store ?st (?s1 ++ ?s2) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_store_split' _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in
      intros HZ; destruct HZ as [HZ1 HZ2]

Lemma well_typed_stack_split': forall st s1 s2,
  well_typed_value_in_stack st (s1 ++ s2) ->
    well_typed_value_in_stack st s1 /\ well_typed_value_in_stack st s2.
  intros st s1; revert st.
  induction s1; smack;
  match goal with
  | [|- well_typed_value_in_stack _ nil] => constructor
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_stack _ _ |- _] =>
      inversion H; subst; specialize (IHs1 _ _ H4); smack
  constructor; auto.

Ltac apply_well_typed_stack_split' :=
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_stack _ (?s1 ++ ?s2) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_stack_split' _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in
      intros HZ; destruct HZ as [HZ1 HZ2]


Lemma value_in_range_is_well_typed: forall st t v l u,
  extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
    rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
      well_typed_value st t (Int v).
  destruct t; inversion H; subst;
  inversion H3; subst;
  [ apply TV_Subtype with (l:=l) (u:=u); auto |
    apply TV_Derived_Type with (l:=l) (u:=u); auto |
    apply TV_Integer_Type with (l:=l) (u:=u); auto
  match goal with
  | [H: rangeCheck _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; auto

Ltac apply_value_in_range_is_well_typed :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?t (RangeRT ?l ?u),
     H2: rangeCheck ?v ?l ?u (OK (Int ?v)) |- _] =>
      specialize (value_in_range_is_well_typed _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma binop_int_type: forall op t1 t2 t,
  (op = Plus \/ op = Minus \/ op = Multiply) \/ (op = Divide \/ op = Modulus) ->
    binop_type op t1 t2 = Some t ->
      t = Integer.
  destruct H as [[H1 | [H1 | H1]] | [H1 | H1]]; subst;
  destruct t1, t2; smack.

Ltac apply_binop_int_type :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: ?op' = Plus \/ ?op' = Minus \/ ?op' = Multiply,
     H2: binop_type ?op' ?t1' ?t2' = Some ?t' |- _] =>
      apply binop_int_type with (op := op') (t1 := t1') (t2 := t2'); auto;
      left; auto
  | [H1: ?op' = Divide,
     H2: binop_type ?op' ?t1' ?t2' = Some ?t' |- _] =>
      apply binop_int_type with (op := op') (t1 := t1') (t2 := t2'); auto;
      right; smack
  | [H1: ?op' = Modulus,
     H2: binop_type ?op' ?t1' ?t2' = Some ?t' |- _] =>
      apply binop_int_type with (op := op') (t1 := t1') (t2 := t2'); auto;
      right; smack

Lemma binop_bool_type: forall op t1 t2 t,
  op <> Plus ->
  op <> Minus ->
  op <> Multiply ->
  op <> Divide ->
  op <> Modulus ->
  binop_type op t1 t2 = Some t ->
  t = Boolean.
  destruct op; smack; clear H H0 H1 H2 H3;
  destruct t1, t2; inversion H4; auto.

Ltac apply_binop_bool_type :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: ?op <> Plus,
     H2: ?op <> Minus,
     H3: ?op <> Multiply,
     H4: ?op <> Divide,
     H5: ?op <> Modulus,
     H6: binop_type ?op ?t1 ?t2 = Some ?t |- _] => specialize (binop_bool_type _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6)

Lemma binop_arithm_typed: forall op v1 v2 v,
  evalBinOpRTS (OverflowCheck :: nil) op v1 v2 (OK v) ->
    forall st, well_typed_value st Integer v.
  inversion H; subst;
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H7; subst;
  rewrite H5 in H1; inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H3; subst;
  constructor; auto.

Ltac apply_binop_arithm_typed :=
  match goal with
  | [H: evalBinOpRTS (OverflowCheck :: nil) _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
      specialize (binop_arithm_typed _ _ _ _ H)

Lemma binop_logic_typed: forall op v1 v2 v,
  op <> Plus ->
  op <> Minus ->
  op <> Multiply ->
  op <> Divide ->
  op <> Modulus ->
  evalBinOpRTS nil op v1 v2 (OK v) ->
  forall st, well_typed_value st Boolean v.
  inversion H4; subst; clear H4;
  destruct op; smack;
  clear H H0 H1 H2 H3;
  destruct v1, v2; inversion H6;
  match goal with
  | [|- ?b = _ \/ ?b = _] => destruct b; auto

Ltac apply_binop_logic_typed :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: ?op <> Plus,
     H2: ?op <> Minus,
     H3: ?op <> Multiply,
     H4: ?op <> Divide,
     H5: ?op <> Modulus,
     H6: evalBinOpRTS nil ?op _ _ _ |- _] =>
      specialize (binop_logic_typed _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6)

Lemma unop_minus_typed: forall v v',
  evalUnOpRTS (OverflowCheck :: nil) Unary_Minus v (OK v') ->
    forall st, well_typed_value st Integer v'.
  inversion H; subst; clear H;
  inversion H2; subst; clear H2;
  inversion H6; subst; clear H6;
  inversion H2; subst; clear H2;
  rewrite H3 in H; inversion H; subst;
  inversion H0; subst;
  constructor; auto.

Ltac apply_unop_minus_typed :=
  match goal with
  | [H: evalUnOpRTS (OverflowCheck :: nil) Unary_Minus _ (OK _) |- _] =>
      specialize (unop_minus_typed _ _ H)

Lemma exp_type_same: forall st e t t',
  well_typed_exp_x st e ->
    type_of_exp_x st e = Some t ->
      fetch_exp_type_rt (expression_astnum_rt e) st = Some t' ->
        t = t'.
  inversion H; smack;
  inversion H2; smack.

Ltac apply_exp_type_same :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_exp_x ?st ?e,
     H2: type_of_exp_x ?st ?e = Some _,
     H3: fetch_exp_type_rt (expression_astnum_rt ?e) ?st = Some _ |- _] =>
      specialize (exp_type_same _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ; subst

Eval Exp_or_Name Value Well Typed

Lemma eval_expr_well_typed_value: forall e st st' s e' v,
  toExpRT st e e' ->
    toSymTabRT st st' ->
      well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s ->
        well_typed_exp_x st' e' ->
          evalExpRT st' s e' (OK v) ->
            exists t, fetch_exp_type_rt (expression_astnum_rt e') st' = Some t /\
                      well_typed_value st' t v.
  apply (expression_ind
    (fun e: exp =>
       forall (st : symTab) (st' : symTabRT) (s : STACK.state)
              (e' : expRT) (v : value),
       toExpRT st e e' ->
       toSymTabRT st st' ->
       well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s ->
       well_typed_exp_x st' e' ->
       evalExpRT st' s e' (OK v) ->
       exists t,
         fetch_exp_type_rt (expression_astnum_rt e') st' = Some t /\
         well_typed_value st' t v)
    (fun n: name =>
       forall (st : symTab) (st' : symTabRT) (s : STACK.state)
              (n' : nameRT) (v : value),
       toNameRT st n n' ->
       toSymTabRT st st' ->
       well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s ->
       well_typed_name_x st' n' ->
       evalNameRT st' s n' (OK v) ->
       exists t,
         fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n') st' = Some t /\
         well_typed_value st' t v)
    ); intros.
- inversion H; subst;
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H3; subst.

  exists Boolean; smack.
  inversion H12; smack. constructor; destruct b; smack.

  exists Integer; smack.
  inversion H13; smack. inversion H7; subst. constructor; smack.

  exists Integer; smack.
  inversion H13; smack. inversion H7; subst. inversion H4; subst.
  apply_in_bound_conflict; smack.
- inversion H0; subst;
  inversion H3; subst;
  inversion H4; subst.
  specialize(H _ _ _ _ _ H9 H1 H2 H10 H13); smack.
- inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H4; subst;
  inversion H5; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = Some ?t |- _] => rewrite H; exists t
  end; split; auto.
  + assert (HZ1: t = Integer).
    apply_binop_int_type. subst.
    apply_binop_arithm_typed; auto.
  + assert (HZ1: t = Integer).
    apply binop_int_type with (op := Divide) (t1 := t1) (t2 := t2); auto.
    inversion H25; subst.
    apply_binop_arithm_typed; auto.
  + assert (HZ1: t = Integer).
Modulus operation +++
    apply binop_int_type with (op := Modulus) (t1 := t1) (t2 := t2); auto. subst.
    specialize (H0 _ _ _ _ _ H14 H2 H3 H16 H24). destruct H0 as [t' [H0a H0b]].
    match goal with
    | [H: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable ?st ?s |- _] => destruct H as [st s HStack HSymb]
    match goal with
    | [H: binop_type Modulus ?t1 ?t' = Some Integer |- _] =>
        destruct t1, t'; inversion H; subst
    repeat progress match goal with
    | [H1: evalBinOpRTS (_ :: nil) _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1: evalBinOpRTS nil _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1: Math.binary_operation _ _ _ = _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1: evalBinOpRT _ _ _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1: Math.mod' _ _ = Some _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1: divCheck ?op ?v0 ?v3 (OK ?v4) |- _ ] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    match goal with
    | [H0: well_typed_symbol_table ?st',
       H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st' = Some ?t,
       H2: well_typed_value ?st' ?t (Int ?v3),
       H3: Zeq_bool ?v3 0 = false |- _ ] =>
        clear - H0 H1 H2 H3
    end; constructor;
    match goal with
    | [H1: well_typed_value _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    repeat progress match goal with
    | [H1: well_typed_symbol_table _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1: well_typed_subtype_declaration _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; clear H1
    | [H1:forall (t0 : type) (l0 u0 : Z),
       extract_subtype_range_rt ?st' t0 (RangeRT l0 u0) ->
       sub_bound (Interval l0 u0) int32_bound true,
       H2: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st' ?t0 _ |- _] => specialize (H1 _ _ _ H2)
    match goal with
    | [H1: in_bound ?v ?vBound true,
       H2: sub_bound ?vBound int32_bound true |- _] =>
      apply modulus_in_bound_trans with (bound := vBound); auto
    | _ => apply modulus_in_int32_bound; auto
  + assert (HZ1: t = Boolean).
    apply_binop_bool_type; auto.
    apply_binop_logic_typed; subst; auto.
- inversion H0; subst;
  inversion H3; subst;
  inversion H4; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = Some ?t |- _] => rewrite H; exists t
  end; split; auto.
  + assert(HZ1: t = Integer).
    destruct t'; inversion H15; auto.
    apply_unop_minus_typed. subst; auto.
  + destruct u;
    specialize (H _ _ _ _ _ H11 H1 H2 H12 H19);
    inversion H; destruct H5;
    apply_exp_type_same; intros.
    inversion H20; subst. inversion H8; subst.
    destruct v0; inversion H9; subst.
    inversion H16; subst; auto.
    inversion H20; subst. inversion H8; subst.
    destruct v0; inversion H9; subst.
    destruct x; inversion H16; subst.
    destruct (negb n); constructor; auto.
- inversion H; subst;
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H3; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = Some ?t |- _] => rewrite H; exists t
  end; split; auto.
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable ?st ?s |- _] => destruct H as [st s HStack HSymb]
  specialize (well_typed_stack_infer _ _ HStack); intro HB1.
  inversion HB1; subst.
  specialize (H1 _ _ H8); smack.
- inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H4; subst;
  inversion H5; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = Some ?t |- _] => rewrite H; exists t
  end; split; auto.
  specialize (H _ _ _ _ _ H12 H2 H3 H10 H18).
  inversion H. destruct H6.
  inversion H7; subst.
  specialize (H26 _ _ H25).
  rewrite H16 in H6; inversion H6; subst.
  rewrite H17 in H9; inversion H9; subst.
  destruct H26 as [H26a [H26b H26c]]; assumption.
- inversion H0; subst;
  inversion H3; subst;
  inversion H4; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = Some ?t |- _] => rewrite H; exists t
  end; split; auto.
  specialize (H _ _ _ _ _ H10 H1 H2 H9 H11).
  inversion H; subst.
  destruct H5.
  inversion H6; subst.
  rewrite H13 in H5; inversion H5; subst.
  rewrite H14 in H8; inversion H8; subst.
  specialize (H18 _ _ H19).
  destruct H18 as [t' [HZ1 [HZ2 HZ3]]].
  rewrite H15 in HZ1; inversion HZ1; subst; assumption.

Ltac apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: toExpRT ?st ?e ?e',
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H3: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable ?st' ?s,
     H4: well_typed_exp_x ?st' ?e',
     H5: evalExpRT ?st' ?s ?e' (OK ?v) |- _] =>
      specialize (eval_expr_well_typed_value _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma eval_name_well_typed_value: forall n st st' s n' v,
  toNameRT st n n' ->
    toSymTabRT st st' ->
      well_typed_stack st' s ->
        well_typed_name_x st' n' ->
          evalNameRT st' s n' (OK v) ->
            exists t, fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt n') st' = Some t /\
                      well_typed_value st' t v.
  induction n; intros.
- inversion H; subst;
  inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H3; subst.
  specialize (H4 _ _ H9).
  destruct H4 as [md' [t' [HZ1 HZ2]]].
  exists t; smack.
- inversion H; subst;
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H3; subst.
  specialize (IHn _ _ _ _ _ H10 H0 H1 H8 H16).
  destruct IHn as [t'' [HZ1 HZ2]].
  inversion HZ2; subst.
  specialize (H17 _ _ H23).
  exists typ; smack.
- inversion H; subst;
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H3; subst.
  specialize (IHn _ _ _ _ _ H9 H0 H1 H8 H10).
  destruct IHn as [t'' [HZ1 HZ2]].
  inversion HZ2; subst.
  rewrite H12 in HZ1; inversion HZ1; subst.
  rewrite H13 in H5; inversion H5; subst.
  specialize (H15 _ _ H18).
  destruct H15 as [t' [HZ3 HZ4]].
  rewrite H14 in HZ3; inversion HZ3; subst;
  exists t'; smack.

Ltac apply_eval_name_well_typed_value :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: toNameRT ?st ?n ?n',
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H3: well_typed_stack ?st' ?s,
     H4: well_typed_name_x ?st' ?n',
     H5: evalNameRT ?st' ?s ?n' (OK ?v) |- _] =>
      specialize (eval_name_well_typed_value _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5);
      let t := fresh "t" in
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in
      intros HZ; destruct HZ as [t [HZ1 HZ2]]

Typed Value in Bound

Lemma typed_value_in_bound1: forall st t v vBound,
  well_typed_value st t (Int v) ->
    bound_of_type st t vBound ->
      in_bound v vBound true.
  inversion H; subst; inversion H0; subst; smack;
  match goal with
  | [H1: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _,
     H2: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => apply_extract_subtype_range_unique; auto
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; smack

Lemma typed_value_in_bound2: forall st t v l u,
  well_typed_value st t (Int v) ->
    extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
      in_bound v (Interval l u) true.
  inversion H; subst; inversion H0; subst; smack;
  match goal with
  | [H1: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _,
     H2: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => apply_extract_subtype_range_unique; auto
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; smack

Ltac apply_typed_value_in_bound :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value ?st ?t (Int ?v),
     H2: bound_of_type ?st ?t ?vBound |- _] =>
      specialize (typed_value_in_bound1 _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ
  | [H1: well_typed_value ?st ?t (Int ?v),
     H2: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?t (RangeRT ?l ?u) |- _] =>
      specialize (typed_value_in_bound2 _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_bounded_var_exists_int_value: forall st f x m t l u v,
  well_typed_store st (snd f) ->
    fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
      bound_of_type st t (Interval l u) ->
        STACK.fetch x f = Some v ->
          v <> Undefined ->
            exists n, v = Int n.
  inversion H; smack.
  unfold STACK.fetch in H2.
  specialize (H4 _ _ H2).
  destruct H4 as [m' [t' [H4a H4b]]].
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = ?t1,
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = ?t2 |- _] => rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H4b; smack;
  match goal with
  | [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ _ |- _] => inversion H; smack

Ltac apply_well_typed_bounded_var_exists_int_value :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_store ?st (snd ?f),
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
     H3: bound_of_type ?st ?t (Interval ?l ?u),
     H4: STACK.fetch ?x ?f = Some ?v,
     H5: ?v <> Undefined |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_bounded_var_exists_int_value _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ; destruct HZ; subst

Lemma well_typed_var_in_bound: forall st f t x v l u m,
  well_typed_store st (snd f) ->
    STACK.fetch x f = Some (Int v) ->
      fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
        bound_of_type st t (Interval l u) ->
          in_bound v (Interval l u) true.
  inversion H; smack.
  unfold STACK.fetch in H0.
  specialize (H3 _ _ H0); smack.
  rewrite H4 in H1; inversion H1; subst.
  apply_typed_value_in_bound; auto.

Ltac apply_well_typed_var_in_bound :=
  match goal with
  [H1: well_typed_store ?st (snd ?f),
   H2: STACK.fetch ?x ?f = Some (Int ?v),
   H3: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
   H4: bound_of_type ?st ?t (Interval ?l ?u) |- _] =>
    specialize (well_typed_var_in_bound _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4);
    let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ

Lemma well_typed_value_of_var: forall st f x m t v,
  well_typed_store st (snd f) ->
    fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
        STACK.fetch x f = Some v ->
            well_typed_value st t v.
  inversion H; smack.
  unfold STACK.fetch in H1.
  specialize (H2 _ _ H1).
  destruct H2 as [m' [t' [H2a H2b]]].
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = ?t1,
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = ?t2 |- _] => rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst

Ltac apply_well_typed_value_of_var :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_store ?st (snd ?f),
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
     H3: STACK.fetch ?x ?f = Some ?v |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_value_of_var _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ

Lemma well_typed_value_subtype_trans: forall st t x l u t' l' u',
  well_typed_value st t (Int x) ->
    bound_of_type st t (Interval l u) ->
      extract_subtype_range_rt st t' (RangeRT l' u') ->
        sub_bound (Interval l u) (Interval l' u') true ->
          well_typed_value st t' (Int x).
  assert (HA2: in_bound x (Interval l' u') true).
    apply_In_Bound_SubBound_Trans; auto.
  destruct t';
  inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H5; subst;
  [ apply TV_Subtype with (l:=l') (u:=u'); auto |
    apply TV_Derived_Type with (l:=l') (u:=u'); auto |
    apply TV_Integer_Type with (l:=l') (u:=u'); auto

Ltac apply_well_typed_value_subtype_trans :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value ?st ?t (Int ?x),
     H2: bound_of_type ?st ?t (Interval ?l ?u),
     H3: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?t' (RangeRT ?l' ?u'),
     H4: sub_bound (Interval ?l ?u) (Interval ?l' ?u') true |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_value_subtype_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ

Lemma well_typed_int_value_exists: forall v st t l u,
  v <> Undefined ->
    bound_of_type st t (Interval l u) ->
      well_typed_value st t v ->
        exists n, v = Int n.
  match goal with
  | [H: bound_of_type ?st ?x1 (Interval ?l ?u) |- _] => inversion H; smack
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value ?st ?x1 ?v |- _] => inversion H; smack
  match goal with
  | [H: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?x1 (RangeRT ?l ?u) |- _] => inversion H; smack
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value ?st ?x1 ?v |- _] => inversion H; smack

Ltac apply_well_typed_int_value_exists :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: ?v <> Undefined,
     H2: bound_of_type ?st ?t (Interval ?l ?u),
     H3: well_typed_value ?st ?t ?v |- _] =>
    specialize (well_typed_int_value_exists _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3);
    let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ;
    destruct HZ as [v' HZ']
  | [H1: ?v = Undefined -> False,
     H2: bound_of_type ?st ?t (Interval ?l ?u),
     H3: well_typed_value ?st ?t ?v |- _] =>
    specialize (well_typed_int_value_exists _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3);
    let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intro HZ;
    destruct HZ as [v' HZ']

Lemma value_well_typed_with_matched_type: forall st t t' v,
  well_typed_symbol_table st ->
    is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
      well_typed_value st t' v ->
        type_match t t' = true ->
          well_typed_value st t v.
  inversion H; subst; inversion H3; subst.
  destruct t; inversion H0; smack;
  destruct t'; inversion H2; smack;
  match goal with
  | [H: beq_nat _ _ = true |- _] => symmetry in H; rewrite (beq_nat_eq _ _ H); auto
  | [H: well_typed_value st _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [|- well_typed_value _ _ Undefined] => constructor
  | [H1: forall (t : type) (l u : Z),
       extract_subtype_range_rt ?st t (RangeRT l u) ->
       sub_bound (Interval l u) int32_bound true,
     H2: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?t (RangeRT ?l ?u) |- _] =>
      specialize (H1 _ _ _ H2)
  constructor; auto.

Ltac apply_value_well_typed_with_matched_type :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_symbol_table ?st,
     H2: is_range_constrainted_type ?t = false,
     H3: well_typed_value ?st ?t' ?v,
     H4: type_match ?t ?t' = true |- _] =>
      specialize (value_well_typed_with_matched_type _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_store: forall st f f' x m t v,
  update f x v = Some f' ->
    well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f) ->
      fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
        well_typed_value st t v ->
          well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f').
  intros st f f' x m t v H.
  unfold update in H. remember (updates (store_of f) x v) as b.
  destruct b; inversion H; subst; simpl. clear H.
  revert m t s Heqb. destruct f; simpl in *.
  functional induction (updates s0 x v); intros;
  match goal with
  | [H: Some ?s = _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_store ?st _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  constructor; smack.

  symmetry in e0; rewrite (beq_nat_eq _ _ e0) in *.
  rewrite H0 in H3; inversion H3; subst.
  exists x0, x1; smack.

Ltac apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_store :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: update ?f ?x ?v = Some ?f',
     H2: well_typed_value_in_store ?st _,
     H3: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
     H4: well_typed_value ?st ?t ?v |- _] =>
      specialize (storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma updateG_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack: forall st s s' x m t v,
  updateG s x v = Some s' ->
    well_typed_value_in_stack st s ->
      fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
        well_typed_value st t v ->
          well_typed_value_in_stack st s'.
  intros st s s' x m t v; revert s' m t.
  functional induction (updateG s x v); smack;
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  constructor; smack.
  apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_store; auto.

Ltac apply_updateG_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: updateG ?s ?x ?v = Some ?s',
     H2: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st ?s,
     H3: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
     H4: well_typed_value ?st ?t ?v |- _] =>
      specialize (updateG_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma updated_array_select_eq: forall a i v,
  array_select (updateIndexedComp a i v) i = Some v.
  induction a; smack.
  assert (HA: Zeq_bool i i = true).
  apply Zeq_is_eq_bool; auto.
  rewrite HA; auto.
  remember (Zeq_bool a1 i) as bx.
  destruct bx; smack; rewrite <- Heqbx; auto.

Lemma updated_record_select_eq: forall r f v,
  record_select (updateSelectedComp r f v) f = Some v.
  induction r; smack.
  rewrite <- beq_nat_refl; auto.
  remember (beq_nat a0 f) as bx.
  destruct bx; smack; rewrite <- Heqbx; auto.

Lemma updated_array_select: forall a i v i1 v1,
  array_select (updateIndexedComp a i v) i1 = Some v1 ->
    i = i1 \/ (Zeq_bool i i1 = false /\ array_select a i1 = Some v1).
  induction a; smack.
  remember (Zeq_bool i i1) as b.
  destruct b; inversion H.
  symmetry in Heqb; rewrite (Zeq_bool_eq _ _ Heqb); auto.

  remember (Zeq_bool a1 i1) as b1;
  remember (Zeq_bool a1 i) as b2;
  destruct b1, b2; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H: true = Zeq_bool _ _ |- _] =>
      symmetry in H; specialize (Zeq_bool_eq _ _ H); clear H; smack
  assert(HA: Zeq_bool i i1 = Zeq_bool i1 i).
    clear. remember (Zeq_bool i i1) as b1. remember (Zeq_bool i1 i) as b2.
    destruct b1, b2; auto;
    match goal with
    | [H: true = Zeq_bool _ _ |- _] =>
        symmetry in H; specialize (Zeq_bool_eq _ _ H); clear H; smack
    assert (HA1: Zeq_bool i1 i1 = true). apply Zeq_is_eq_bool; auto. auto.
    apply Zeq_is_eq_bool; auto.
  assert(HA1: Zeq_bool i1 i1 = true). apply Zeq_is_eq_bool; auto.
  rewrite HA1 in H; inversion H; subst. auto.
  right. rewrite <- Heqb1 in H; smack.
  unfold array_select in H.
  rewrite <- Heqb1 in H. fold array_select in H.
  specialize (IHa _ _ _ _ H); auto.

Ltac apply_updated_array_select :=
  match goal with
  | [H: array_select (updateIndexedComp ?a ?i ?v) ?i1 = Some ?v1 |- _] =>
      specialize (updated_array_select _ _ _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma updated_record_select: forall r f v f1 v1,
  record_select (updateSelectedComp r f v) f1 = Some v1 ->
    f = f1 \/ (beq_nat f f1 = false /\ record_select r f1 = Some v1).
  induction r; smack.
  remember (beq_nat f f1) as b.
  destruct b; inversion H.
  symmetry in Heqb; rewrite (beq_nat_true _ _ Heqb); auto.

  remember (beq_nat a0 f1) as b1;
  remember (beq_nat a0 f) as b2;
  destruct b1, b2; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H: true = beq_nat _ _ |- _] =>
      symmetry in H; specialize (beq_nat_true _ _ H); clear H; smack
  assert(HA: beq_nat f f1 = beq_nat f1 f).
    clear. remember (beq_nat f f1) as b1. remember (beq_nat f1 f) as b2.
    destruct b1, b2; auto;
    match goal with
    | [H: true = beq_nat _ _ |- _] =>
        symmetry in H; specialize (beq_nat_true _ _ H); clear H; smack
    apply beq_nat_refl; auto.

    assert (HA1: true = beq_nat f f). apply beq_nat_refl; auto. auto.
  rewrite <- beq_nat_refl in H; inversion H; subst; auto.
  right. rewrite <- Heqb1 in H; auto.
  unfold record_select in H.
  rewrite <- Heqb1 in H. fold record_select in H.
  specialize (IHr _ _ _ _ H); auto.

Ltac apply_updated_record_select :=
  match goal with
  | [H: record_select (updateSelectedComp ?r ?f ?v) ?f1 = Some ?v1 |- _] =>
      specialize (updated_record_select _ _ _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma arrayUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array: forall st t t0 arrObj a a1 i v a_ast_num tn tm l u,
  well_typed_value st (Array_Type t) arrObj ->
  arrObj = ArrayV a \/ arrObj = Undefined ->
  arrayUpdate arrObj i v = Some (ArrayV a1) ->
  fetch_type_rt t st = Some (ArrayTypeDeclRT a_ast_num tn tm t0) ->
  well_typed_value st t0 v ->
  v <> Undefined ->
  extract_array_index_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
  rangeChecks (RangeCheck :: nil) i l u (OK (Int i)) ->
  well_typed_value st (Array_Type t) (ArrayV a1).
  unfold arrayUpdate in H1; smack.
- inversion H6; subst.
  apply TV_Array_Type with (ast_num:=a_ast_num) (tid:=tn) (tm:=tm) (typ:=t0) (l:=l) (u:=u); smack;
  inversion H; subst;
  apply_updated_array_select; smack;
  [apply_extract_array_index_range_rt_unique; subst | | | | ];
  solve [
      rewrite updated_array_select_eq in H1; inversion H1; subst; auto |
      specialize (H12 _ _ H10); destruct H12 as [H12a [H12b H12c]]; smack
- apply TV_Array_Type with (ast_num:=a_ast_num) (tid:=tn) (tm:=tm) (typ:=t0) (l:=l) (u:=u); smack;
  inversion H6; subst;
  remember (Zeq_bool i i0) as b;
  destruct b; inversion H0; subst; auto;
  symmetry in Heqb;
  rewrite <- (Zeq_bool_eq _ _ Heqb); auto.

Ltac apply_arrayUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value ?st (Array_Type ?t) ?arrObj,
     H2: ?arrObj = ArrayV ?a \/ ?arrObj = Undefined,
     H3: arrayUpdate ?arrObj ?i ?v = Some (ArrayV ?a1),
     H4: fetch_type_rt ?t ?st = Some (ArrayTypeDeclRT ?a_ast_num ?tn ?tm ?t0),
     H5: well_typed_value ?st ?t0 ?v,
     H6: ?v <> Undefined,
     H7: extract_array_index_range_rt ?st ?t (RangeRT ?l ?u),
     H8: rangeChecks (RangeCheck :: nil) ?i ?l ?u (OK (Int ?i)) |- _] =>
        specialize (arrayUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8);
        let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma recordUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array: forall st t t0 recObj r r1 f v r_ast_num tn fields,
  well_typed_value st (Record_Type t) recObj ->
  recObj = RecordV r \/ recObj = Undefined ->
  recordUpdate recObj f v = Some (RecordV r1) ->
  fetch_type_rt t st = Some (RecordTypeDeclRT r_ast_num tn fields) ->
  record_field_type fields f = Some t0 ->
  well_typed_value st t0 v ->
  v <> Undefined ->
  well_typed_value st (Record_Type t) (RecordV r1).
  unfold recordUpdate in H1; smack.
- apply TV_Record_Type with (ast_num:=r_ast_num) (tid:=tn) (fields:=fields); auto; intros.
  apply_updated_record_select; smack.

  rewrite updated_record_select_eq in H0; inversion H0; subst.
  exists t0; auto.

  inversion H; subst. rewrite H2 in H10; inversion H10; subst.
  specialize (H11 _ _ H7); auto.
- apply TV_Record_Type with (ast_num:=r_ast_num) (tid:=tn) (fields:=fields); smack.
  remember (beq_nat f f0) as b.
  destruct b; inversion H0; subst.
  symmetry in Heqb; rewrite <- (beq_nat_true _ _ Heqb).
  exists t0; auto.

Ltac apply_recordUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value ?st (Record_Type ?t) ?recObj,
     H2: ?recObj = RecordV ?r \/ ?recObj = Undefined,
     H3: recordUpdate ?recObj ?f ?v = Some (RecordV ?r1),
     H4: fetch_type_rt ?t ?st = Some (RecordTypeDeclRT ?r_ast_num ?tn ?fields),
     H5: record_field_type ?fields ?f = Some ?t0,
     H6: well_typed_value ?st ?t0 ?v,
     H7: ?v <> Undefined |- _] =>
      specialize (recordUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack: forall st0 st x0 x s s' t v,
  storeUpdateRT st s x v (OK s') ->
    toSymTabRT st0 st ->
      toNameRT st0 x0 x ->
        well_typed_symbol_table st ->
          well_typed_value_in_stack st s ->
            well_typed_name_x st x ->
              fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt x) st = Some t ->
                well_typed_value st t v ->
                  v <> Undefined ->
                    well_typed_value_in_stack st s'.
  intros st0 st x0 x s s' t v H.
  remember (OK s') as sx.
  revert st0 x0 t s' Heqsx.
  induction H; intros;
  match goal with
  | [H: _ = OK ?s' |- _] => inversion H; subst
  inversion H4; subst.
  simpl in H5.
  rewrite H5 in H11; inversion H11; subst.
  apply_updateG_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack; auto.
  inversion H11; subst.
  inversion H8; subst. simpl in *.

  assert(HA: well_typed_value st (Array_Type t') (ArrayV a1)).
    repeat progress match goal with
    | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st = _ |- _] =>
        rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
    rewrite exp_updated_exterior_checks in H4.
    apply_arrayUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array; auto.
  specialize (IHstoreUpdateRT _ _ _ _ H15 H7 H28 H9 H10 H20 H24 HA);
  apply IHstoreUpdateRT; smack.
  inversion H7; subst.
  inversion H4; subst. simpl in *.

  assert(HA: well_typed_value st (Record_Type t') (RecordV r1)).
    repeat progress match goal with
    | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st = _ |- _] =>
        rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
    apply_recordUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_array; auto.
  specialize (IHstoreUpdateRT _ _ _ _ H11 H3 H15 H5 H6 H16 H19 HA); auto;
  apply IHstoreUpdateRT; smack.

Ltac apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: storeUpdateRT ?st ?s ?x ?v (OK ?s'),
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st0 ?st,
     H3: toNameRT ?st0 ?x0 ?x,
     H4: well_typed_symbol_table ?st,
     H5: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st ?s,
     H6: well_typed_name_x ?st ?x,
     H7: fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt ?x) ?st = Some ?t,
     H8: well_typed_value ?st ?t ?v,
     H9: ?v <> Undefined |- _] =>
      specialize (storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ
  | [H1: storeUpdateRT ?st ?s ?x ?v (OK ?s'),
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st0 ?st,
     H3: toNameRT ?st0 ?x0 ?x,
     H4: well_typed_symbol_table ?st,
     H5: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st ?s,
     H6: well_typed_name_x ?st ?x,
     H7: fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt ?x) ?st = Some ?t,
     H8: well_typed_value ?st ?t ?v,
     H9: ?v = Undefined -> False |- _] =>
      specialize (storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma push_value_in_range_preserve_typed_store: forall st f x m t l u v,
  well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f) ->
    fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
      extract_subtype_range_rt st t (RangeRT l u) ->
        rangeCheck v l u (OK (Int v)) ->
          well_typed_value_in_store st (snd (push f x (Int v))).
  constructor; auto.
  exists m, t; smack.
  inversion H2; subst.
  destruct t;
  inversion H1; smack.
  apply TV_Subtype with (l:=l) (u:=u); auto.
  apply TV_Derived_Type with (l:=l) (u:=u); auto.
  apply TV_Integer_Type with (l:=l) (u:=u); auto.

Ltac apply_push_value_in_range_preserve_typed_store :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value_in_store ?st _,
     H2: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
     H3: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?t (RangeRT ?l ?u),
     H4: rangeCheck ?v ?l ?u (OK (Int ?v)) |- _] =>
      specialize (push_value_in_range_preserve_typed_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma push_typed_value_preserve_typed_store: forall st f x m t t' v,
  well_typed_symbol_table st ->
    well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f) ->
      fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
        is_range_constrainted_type t = false ->
          well_typed_value st t' v ->
            type_match t' t = true ->
              well_typed_value_in_store st (snd (push f x v)).
  constructor; auto.
  exists m, t; smack.
  inversion H; subst.
  inversion H5; subst.
  destruct t; inversion H2; smack;
  destruct t'; inversion H4; smack;
  inversion H3; smack;
  match goal with
  | [ |- well_typed_value _ _ Undefined ] => constructor
  | [H: beq_nat _ _ = _ |- _] => symmetry in H; rewrite <- (beq_nat_eq _ _ H); auto
  | [H1: forall (t : type) (l u : Z),
       extract_subtype_range_rt ?st t (RangeRT l u) ->
       sub_bound (Interval l u) int32_bound true,
     H2: extract_subtype_range_rt ?st ?t (RangeRT ?l ?u) |- _] =>
      specialize (H1 _ _ _ H2)
  | _ => idtac
  apply_In_Bound_SubBound_Trans; constructor; auto.

Ltac apply_push_typed_value_preserve_typed_store :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_symbol_table ?st,
     H2: well_typed_value_in_store ?st _,
     H3: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t),
     H4: is_range_constrainted_type ?t = false,
     H5: well_typed_value ?st ?t' ?v,
     H6: type_match ?t' ?t = true |- _] =>
      specialize (push_typed_value_preserve_typed_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ


Lemma copy_in_preserve_typed_store: forall st st' s f f' params params' args args',
  copyInRT st' s f params' args' (OK f') ->
  toSymTabRT st st' ->
  toArgsRT st params args args' ->
  toParamSpecsRT params params' ->
  well_typed_symbol_table st' ->
  well_typed_value_in_stack st' s ->
  well_typed_value_in_store st' (snd f) ->
  well_typed_exps_x st' args' ->
  well_typed_params_x st' params' ->
  well_typed_args_x st' args' params' ->
  well_typed_value_in_store st' (snd f').
  intros st st' s f f' params params' args args' H.
  remember (OK f') as fx; revert st params args f' Heqfx.
  induction H; intros;
  match goal with
  | [H: _ = OK ?f' |- _] => inversion H; smack
  inversion H11; subst;
  inversion H12; subst;
  inversion H13; subst.
  inversion H7; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H6; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode ?p = parameter_mode_rt ?a,
     H2: parameter_mode ?p = _ ,
     H3: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H2 in H1; rewrite H3 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H: exp_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_exp _ _) = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite exp_updated_exterior_checks in H; inversion H
  | [H: parameter_subtype_mark ?x = parameter_subtype_mark_rt ?y |- _] => rewrite H in *
  | _ => idtac
  specialize (IHcopyInRT _ _ _ _ H14 H5 H32 H22 H8 H9).
  apply IHcopyInRT; auto.
  assert(HA: well_typed_value st t v).
      assert(HSS: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st s). constructor; auto.
    apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value; smack.
  apply_push_typed_value_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  inversion H12; subst;
  inversion H13; subst;
  inversion H14; subst.
  inversion H8; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H7; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode ?p = parameter_mode_rt ?a,
     H2: parameter_mode ?p = _ ,
     H3: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H2 in H1; rewrite H3 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H: exp_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_exp _ _) = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite exp_updated_exterior_checks in H; inversion H
  | [H: parameter_subtype_mark ?x = parameter_subtype_mark_rt ?y |- _] => rewrite H in *
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ (RangeRT _ _) |- _] =>
      specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ
  match goal with
  | [H1: is_range_constrainted_type ?x = false,
     H2: is_range_constrainted_type ?x = true |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2
  | _ => idtac
  specialize (IHcopyInRT _ _ _ _ H15 H6 H33 H23 H9 H10).
  apply IHcopyInRT; auto.
  assert(HA: well_typed_value st t (Int v)).
    specialize (eval_exp_ex_cks_stripped _ _ _ _ _ H0); intro HZ10.
    replace (expression_astnum_rt
             (update_exterior_checks_exp argRT (RangeCheck :: nil))) with
            (expression_astnum_rt argRT) in H24.
    assert(HSS: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st s). constructor; auto.
    apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value; smack.
    clear. destruct argRT; auto.
  apply_push_value_in_range_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  inversion H11; subst;
  inversion H12; subst;
  inversion H13; subst.
  inversion H7; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H6; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode ?p = parameter_mode_rt ?a,
     H2: parameter_mode ?p = _ ,
     H3: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H2 in H1; rewrite H3 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H: List.In _ (name_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_name _ _)) -> False |- _] =>
      rewrite name_updated_exterior_checks in H; smack
  | [H: parameter_subtype_mark ?x = parameter_subtype_mark_rt ?y |- _] => rewrite H in *
  | _ => idtac
  specialize (IHcopyInRT _ _ _ _ H14 H5 H35 H22 H8 H9);
  apply IHcopyInRT; auto.
  assert(HA: well_typed_value st t v).
    inversion H17; subst.
    apply_eval_name_well_typed_value; smack.
  apply_push_typed_value_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  assert(HA: well_typed_value st t v).
    specialize (eval_name_ex_cks_stripped _ _ _ _ _ H0); intro HZ10.
    inversion H17; subst.
    replace (name_astnum_rt
             (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheckOnReturn :: nil))) with
            (name_astnum_rt nRT) in H27.
    apply_eval_name_well_typed_value; smack.
    clear. destruct nRT; auto.
  apply_push_typed_value_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  inversion H12; subst;
  inversion H13; subst;
  inversion H14; subst.
  inversion H8; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H7; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode ?p = parameter_mode_rt ?a,
     H2: parameter_mode ?p = _ ,
     H3: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H2 in H1; rewrite H3 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H: List.In _ (name_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_name _ _)) -> False |- _] =>
      rewrite name_updated_exterior_checks in H; smack
  | [H: parameter_subtype_mark ?x = parameter_subtype_mark_rt ?y |- _] => rewrite H in *
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H: extract_subtype_range_rt _ _ (RangeRT _ _) |- _] =>
      specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H1: is_range_constrainted_type ?x = false,
     H2: is_range_constrainted_type ?x = true |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2
  | _ => idtac
  specialize (IHcopyInRT _ _ _ _ H15 H6 H36 H23 H9 H10);
  apply IHcopyInRT; auto.

  assert(HA: well_typed_value st t (Int v)).
    specialize (eval_name_ex_cks_stripped _ _ _ _ _ H0); intro HZ10.
    inversion H18; subst.
    replace (name_astnum_rt
             (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheck :: nil))) with
            (name_astnum_rt nRT) in H27.
    apply_eval_name_well_typed_value; smack.
    clear. destruct nRT; auto.
  apply_push_value_in_range_preserve_typed_store; auto.

  assert(HA: well_typed_value st t (Int v)).
    specialize (eval_name_ex_cks_stripped _ _ _ _ _ H0); intro HZ10.
    inversion H18; subst.
    replace (name_astnum_rt
             (update_exterior_checks_name nRT (RangeCheck :: RangeCheckOnReturn :: nil))) with
            (name_astnum_rt nRT) in H27.
    apply_eval_name_well_typed_value; smack.
    clear. destruct nRT; auto.
  apply_push_value_in_range_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  inversion H8; subst;
  inversion H9; subst;
  inversion H10; subst;
  inversion H4; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H3; subst;
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode ?p = parameter_mode_rt ?a,
     H2: parameter_mode ?p = _ ,
     H3: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H2 in H1; rewrite H3 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H: parameter_subtype_mark ?x = parameter_subtype_mark_rt ?y |- _] => rewrite H in *
  | _ => idtac
  end; simpl in *;
  specialize (IHcopyInRT _ _ _ _ H11 H2 H31 H19 H5 H6);
  apply IHcopyInRT; auto;
  apply_well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value'; auto.

Ltac apply_copy_in_preserve_typed_store :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: copyInRT ?st' ?s ?f ?params' ?args' (OK ?f'),
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H3: toArgsRT ?st ?params ?args ?args',
     H4: toParamSpecsRT ?params ?params',
     H5: well_typed_symbol_table ?st',
     H6: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st' ?s,
     H7: well_typed_value_in_store ?st' _,
     H8: well_typed_exps_x ?st' ?args',
     H9: well_typed_params_x ?st' ?params',
     H10: well_typed_args_x ?st' ?args' ?params' |- _] =>
      specialize (copy_in_preserve_typed_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ

Lemma well_typed_value_in_store_fetch: forall st f x v m t,
  well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f) ->
    fetch x f = Some v ->
      fetch_var_rt x st = Some (m, t) ->
        well_typed_value st t v.
  unfold fetch in H0.
  inversion HZ; subst.
  specialize (H2 _ _ H0); smack.

Ltac apply_well_typed_value_in_store_fetch :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: well_typed_value_in_store ?st (snd ?f),
     H2: fetch ?x ?f = Some ?v,
     H3: fetch_var_rt ?x ?st = Some (?m, ?t) |- _] =>
      specialize (well_typed_value_in_store_fetch _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ


Lemma copy_out_preserve_typed_stack: forall st st' s s' f params params' args args',
  copyOutRT st' s f params' args' (OK s') ->
  toSymTabRT st st' ->
  toArgsRT st params args args' ->
  toParamSpecsRT params params' ->
  well_typed_symbol_table st' ->
  well_typed_value_in_stack st' s ->
  well_typed_value_in_store st' (snd f) ->
  well_typed_exps_x st' args' ->
  well_typed_params_x st' params' ->
  well_typed_args_x st' args' params' ->
  well_typed_value_in_stack st' s'.
  intros st st' s s' f params params' args args' H.
  remember (OK s') as sx. revert st s' params args Heqsx.
  induction H; intros;
  match goal with
  | [H: _ = OK ?s |- _] => inversion H; subst; auto
  inversion H11; subst;
  inversion H12; subst;
  inversion H13; subst;
  inversion H7; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H6; subst;
  rewrite HZ in *;
  match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ ,
     H2: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] => rewrite H2 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H1: parameter_mode_rt ?a = In ,
     H2: parameter_mode_rt ?a = Out \/ parameter_mode_rt ?a = In_Out |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; clear - H2; smack
  | _ => idtac
  end; simpl in *;
  match goal with
  | [H: ~ List.In ?x (name_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_name _ (?x :: _))) |- _] =>
      rewrite name_updated_exterior_checks in H; clear - H; smack
  | [H: ~ List.In ?x (name_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_name _ (_ :: ?x :: _))) |- _] =>
      rewrite name_updated_exterior_checks in H; clear - H; smack
  | [H1: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H2: fetch_exp_type ?e ?st = _,
     H3: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e ?st' = _ |- _] =>
      specialize (symbol_table_exp_type_rel _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ;
      rewrite H3 in HZ; inversion HZ; subst
  | _ => idtac
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_exp_x ?st (NameRT _ _) |- _] => inversion H; subst; clear H
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt _) _ |- _] => rewrite H in *

  specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H14 H5 H35 H23 H8);
  apply IHcopyOutRT; auto.
  apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack; auto.

  specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H14 H5 H36 H23 H8);
  apply IHcopyOutRT; auto.
  apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack; auto.

  specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H14 H5 H36 H23 H8);
  apply IHcopyOutRT; auto.
  rewrite update_exterior_checks_name_astnum_eq in H24.
  apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack; auto.
  inversion H13; subst;
  inversion H14; subst;
  inversion H15; subst;
  inversion H9; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack
  assert(HZ1: (parameter_subtype_mark param0) = (parameter_subtype_mark_rt param)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  assert(HA: Int v <> Undefined). smack.
  inversion H8; subst;
  rewrite HZ in *;
  match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ ,
     H2: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] => rewrite H2 in H1; inversion H1
  | [H1: parameter_mode_rt ?a = In ,
     H2: parameter_mode_rt ?a = Out \/ parameter_mode_rt ?a = In_Out |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; clear - H2; smack
  | _ => idtac
  end; simpl in *;
  match goal with
  | [H: toNameRT ?st ?n ?n' |- _] =>
      specialize (name_exterior_checks_beq_nil _ _ _ H);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ; rewrite HZ in *
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H: List.In ?x nil |- _] =>
      clear - H; smack
  | [H: List.In ?x (name_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_name _ _)) |- _] =>
      rewrite name_updated_exterior_checks in H; smack
  | [H1: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H2: fetch_exp_type ?e ?st = _,
     H3: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e ?st' = _ |- _] =>
      specialize (symbol_table_exp_type_rel _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ;
      rewrite H3 in HZ; inversion HZ; subst
  | _ => idtac
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_exp_x ?st (NameRT _ _) |- _] => inversion H; subst; clear H
  | [H: fetch_exp_type_rt _ _ = fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt _) _ |- _] =>
      rewrite update_exterior_checks_name_astnum_eq in H; rewrite H in *
  | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt _) _ = _,
     H2: fetch_exp_type_rt (name_astnum_rt _) _ = _ |- _] => rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  [ specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H16 H7 H37 H25 H10) |
    specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H16 H7 H38 H25 H10) |
    specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H16 H7 H38 H25 H10)
  ]; apply IHcopyOutRT; auto;
  apply_storeUpdate_with_typed_value_preserve_typed_stack; auto.
  inversion H7; subst;
  inversion H8; subst;
  inversion H9; subst;
  inversion H3; subst.

  assert(HZ: param0.(parameter_mode) = param.(parameter_mode_rt)).
  match goal with
  | [H: toParamSpecRT ?param0 ?param |- _] => inversion H; smack

  inversion H2; subst;
  rewrite HZ in *;
  match goal with
  | [H1: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ ,
     H2: parameter_mode_rt ?a = _ |- _] => rewrite H2 in H1; inversion H1
  specialize (IHcopyOutRT _ _ _ _ H10 H1 H29 H19 H4);
  apply IHcopyOutRT; auto.

Ltac apply_copy_out_preserve_typed_stack :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: copyOutRT ?st' ?s ?f ?params' ?args' (OK ?s'),
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H3: toArgsRT ?st ?params ?args ?args',
     H4: toParamSpecsRT ?params ?params',
     H5: well_typed_symbol_table ?st',
     H6: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st' ?s,
     H7: well_typed_value_in_store ?st' _,
     H8: well_typed_exps_x ?st' ?args',
     H9: well_typed_params_x ?st' ?params',
     H10: well_typed_args_x ?st' ?args' ?params' |- _] =>
      specialize (copy_out_preserve_typed_stack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ


Lemma eval_declaration_preserve_typed_store: forall st st' s f f' d d',
  evalDeclRT st' s f d' (OK f') ->
    toSymTabRT st st' ->
      toDeclRT st d d' ->
        well_typed_symbol_table st' ->
          well_typed_value_in_stack st' s ->
            well_typed_value_in_store st' (snd f) ->
              well_typed_decl_x st' d' ->
                well_typed_value_in_store st' (snd f').
  intros st st' s f f' d d' H;
  remember (OK f') as fx; revert st f' d Heqfx.
  induction H; intros;
  match goal with
  | [H: _ = OK _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; auto
  match goal with
  | [H1: toDeclRT _ _ _,
     H2: well_typed_decl_x _ _ |- _] => inversion H1; subst; inversion H2; subst
  match goal with
  | [H1: initialization_expRT ?x = _,
     H2: initialization_expRT ?x = _ |- _] => rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  | _ => idtac
  apply_well_typed_store_updated_by_undefined_value'; auto.
  inversion H4; subst;
  inversion H8; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H1: initialization_expRT ?x = _,
     H2: initialization_expRT ?x = _ |- _] => rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  constructor; auto.
  exists m, (object_nominal_subtype_rt d); smack.
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  match goal with
  | [H: toObjDeclRT ?st ?o ?d |- _] =>
      inversion H; subst; simpl in *; smack
  assert(HSS: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st (f::s)). constructor; auto.
  apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value; smack.
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst; auto
  apply value_well_typed_with_matched_type with (t':=x0); auto.
  rewrite type_match_ref; auto.

  rewrite exp_updated_exterior_checks in H2; inversion H2.
  inversion H5; subst;
  inversion H9; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H1: initialization_expRT ?x = _,
     H2: initialization_expRT ?x = _ |- _] => rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  constructor; auto.
  exists m0, (object_nominal_subtype_rt d); smack.
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  match goal with
  | [H: toObjDeclRT ?st ?o ?d |- _] =>
      inversion H; subst; simpl in *; smack

  assert(HSS: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st (f::s)). constructor; auto.
  apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value; smack.
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?e st = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst; auto
  apply value_well_typed_with_matched_type with (t':=x0); auto.
  rewrite type_match_ref; auto.

  specialize (eval_exp_ex_cks_stripped _ _ _ _ _ H0); intros HZ3.
  apply_value_in_range_is_well_typed; auto.
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H6; subst.
  assert (HA: OK f' = OK f'). auto.
  specialize (IHevalDeclRT1 _ _ _ HA H1 H12 H3 H4 H5 H16);
  specialize (IHevalDeclRT2 _ _ _ H7 H1 H14 H3 H4 IHevalDeclRT1 H18); auto.

Ltac apply_eval_declaration_preserve_typed_store :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: evalDeclRT ?st' ?s ?f ?d' (OK ?f'),
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H3: toDeclRT ?st ?d ?d',
     H4: well_typed_symbol_table ?st',
     H5: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st' ?s,
     H6: well_typed_value_in_store ?st' _,
     H7: well_typed_decl_x ?st' ?d' |- _] =>
      specialize (eval_declaration_preserve_typed_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ


Lemma cut_until_preserve_typed_stack: forall st s s' intact_s n,
  cutUntil s n intact_s s' ->
    well_typed_value_in_stack st s ->
      well_typed_value_in_stack st intact_s /\ well_typed_value_in_stack st s'.
  induction H; smack.
- constructor.
- inversion H0; subst; smack.
  constructor; auto.
- inversion H0; subst; smack.

Ltac apply_cut_until_preserve_typed_stack :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: cutUntil ?s ?n ?intact_s ?s',
     H2: well_typed_value_in_stack ?st ?s |- _] =>
      specialize (cut_until_preserve_typed_stack _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in
      intros HZ; destruct HZ as [HZ1 HZ2]


Lemma eval_statement_preserve_typed_stack: forall st st' s s' c c',
  evalStmtRT st' s c' (OK s') ->
    toSymTabRT st st' ->
      toStmtRT st c c' ->
        well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s ->
          well_typed_statement_x st' c' ->
            well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s'.
  intros st st' s s' c c' H.
  remember (OK s') as sx; revert st s' c Heqsx.
  induction H; intros;
  match goal with
  | [H: _ = OK _ |- _] => inversion H; subst; auto
  inversion H6; subst;
  inversion H4; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: exp_exterior_checks (update_exterior_checks_exp _ _) = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite exp_updated_exterior_checks in H; inversion H
  | _ => idtac
  match goal with
  | [H: toNameRT ?st ?n ?n' |- _] =>
      rewrite (name_ast_num_eq _ _ _ H) in *
  match goal with
  | [H1: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H2: fetch_exp_type ?e ?st = ?t |- _] =>
      rewrite (symbol_table_exp_type_rel _ _ _ _ H1 H2) in *;
      specialize (symbol_table_exp_type_rel _ _ _ _ H1 H2); let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ
  inversion H15; subst.
  rewrite <- type_match_ref in H16.
  inversion H5; subst.   apply_well_typed_stack_infer.
  apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value; smack.
  match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st = _, H2: fetch_exp_type_rt ?x ?st = _ |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2; inversion H2; subst
  constructor; auto.
  inversion H8; subst;
  inversion H6; subst;
  match goal with
  | [H: toNameRT ?st ?n ?n' |- _] =>
      rewrite (name_ast_num_eq _ _ _ H) in *
  match goal with
  | [H1: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H2: fetch_exp_type ?e ?st = ?t |- _] =>
      rewrite (symbol_table_exp_type_rel _ _ _ _ H1 H2) in *;
      specialize (symbol_table_exp_type_rel _ _ _ _ H1 H2); let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ
  inversion H1; subst;
  inversion H17; subst.

  specialize (range_constrainted_type_true _ _ _ _ H2); smack.

  inversion H7; subst.   apply_well_typed_stack_infer.
  rewrite update_exterior_checks_exp_astnum_eq in H16.
  specialize (eval_exp_ex_cks_stripped _ _ _ _ _ H); intros HZ3.
  apply_eval_expr_well_typed_value; smack.
  assert(HA: Int v <> Undefined). smack.
  constructor; auto.
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H4; subst.
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT _ _ _ H5 H1 H13 H3 H15); auto.
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H4; subst.
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT _ _ _ H5 H1 H14 H3 H16); auto.
  inversion H3; subst;
  inversion H5; subst.
  assert (HA: OK s1 = OK s1). auto.
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT1 _ _ _ HA H2 H13 H4 H14).
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT2 _ _ _ H6 H2 H3 IHevalStmtRT1 H5); auto.
  inversion H8; subst;
  inversion H10; subst.
  assert(HA: OK ((n, locals_section ++ params_section) :: s3) = OK ((n, locals_section ++ params_section) :: s3)). auto.
  specialize (symbol_table_procedure_rel _ _ _ _ _ H7 H16); intros HZ1. destruct HZ1 as [pb1 [HZ1 HZ2]]. inversion HZ2; subst.
  repeat progress match goal with
  | [H1: fetch_proc_rt ?x ?s = _,
     H2: fetch_proc_rt ?x ?s = _ |- _] => rewrite H2 in H1; inversion H1; subst
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_symbol_table _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  match goal with
  | [H: well_typed_proc_declaration _ |- _] => inversion H; subst
  specialize (H23 _ _ _ HZ1). inversion H23; subst. simpl in *.
  assert(HA1: well_typed_value_in_stack st s1). apply_cut_until_preserve_typed_stack; auto.
  assert(HA2: well_typed_value_in_stack st intact_s). apply_cut_until_preserve_typed_stack; auto.
  assert(HA3_0: well_typed_value_in_store st (snd (newFrame n))). constructor.
  assert(HA3: well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f)).
  apply_copy_in_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  assert(HA4: well_typed_value_in_store st (snd f1)).
  apply_eval_declaration_preserve_typed_store; auto.
  specialize (well_typed_store_stack_merge' _ _ _ HA4 HA1); let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ.
  replace stmtRT with (procedure_statements_rt (mkprocBodyDeclRT n3 p0 paramsRT declsRT stmtRT)) in *; auto.
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT _ _ _ HA H7 H13 HZ0 H26).
  inversion IHevalStmtRT; subst.
  specialize (well_typed_store_stack_split' _ _ _ H27);
      let HZ1 := fresh "HZ" in
      let HZ2 := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ1; destruct HZ1 as [HZ1 HZ2].
  specialize (well_typed_stacks_merge' _ _ _ HA2 HZ3); let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ.
  simpl in HZ4; apply_well_typed_store_split'.   apply_copy_out_preserve_typed_stack; constructor; auto.
  inversion H2; subst;
  inversion H4; subst.
  assert (HA: OK s1 = OK s1). auto.
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT1 _ _ _ HA H1 H10 H3 H9);
  specialize (IHevalStmtRT2 _ _ _ H5 H1 H12 IHevalStmtRT1 H13); auto.

Ltac apply_eval_statement_preserve_typed_stack :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: evalStmtRT ?st' ?s ?c' (OK ?s'),
     H2: toSymTabRT ?st ?st',
     H3: toStmtRT ?st ?c ?c',
     H4: well_typed_stack_and_symboltable ?st' ?s,
     H5: well_typed_statement_x ?st' ?c' |- _] =>
      specialize (eval_statement_preserve_typed_stack _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5);
      let HZ := fresh "HZ" in intros HZ


Lemma wellTypedStatePreservation: forall st st' s s' c c',
  toSymTabRT st st' ->
    toStmtRT st c c' ->
      well_typed_statement_x st' c' ->
        well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s ->
          evalStmtRT st' s c' (OK s') ->
            well_typed_stack_and_symboltable st' s'.
  apply_eval_statement_preserve_typed_stack; auto.